Thank you for nerfing OML

MaxxPowerz Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
My sympathies to those who sank time and resources into rostering OML and now feel cheated (i would agree that one five star cover is no consolation) but I do feel that long term this will be better for the game.

The 10% figure is really misleading - in upper tiers of play I'm sure that figure is much higher. With my current level of play OML is easily the most common character I face up against and while I don't feel he presents much of a challenge (especially against characters that erase strike tiles) quite frankly I am bored of fighting him.

Anyways, the game given and the game taketh. I totally understand people's frustrations, but I hope all of the prizes people were able to amass while using this OP character will minimize the blow. I look forward to fighting against your OTHER characters.


  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    I hadn't considered this angle before. Valid point. 
  • MaxxPowerz
    MaxxPowerz Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    edited April 2017
    By upper tier I am not necessarily referring to top tier. For those who have developed their roster into 5* land I must congratulate you having contributed so much to the game.

    I would however consider a player to be 'upper tier' if they are routinely matched up against 5* teams as I am. And yes, at my current scaling OML is the most common adversary. I have seen players with rosters inferior to my own commonly hit max progression due solely to the fact that they have a high leveled OML, in many cases not even max covered. Such is the case with one of my own alliance members. 

    To play devil's advocate, if the devs felt a character was throwing off the balance of the game there is practically nothing that they could do that wouldn't negatively affect somebody. 

    Maybe a better solution would be to re-conceptualize OML' s powers entirely, making him more balanced while letting him still standout in some way. At my current scaling he definitely feels like he is being over exploited. If left unshielded I can always count on a majority of the team's attacking me including OML.

    These people are no doubt benefiting from never having to heal as they bumrush their way to the top of the boards in the last day. Maybe they will have to start their climbs earlier instead of relying on feeding off of one character. For those of us who don't wait til the last minute, it will be nice to line up some decent targets throughout the course of the event instead of the last hours.

  • msp2211
    msp2211 Posts: 47 Just Dropped In
    Nerfing OML hurts us all. If you play PVP, think about all of the low level rosters that, on the strength of OML, hit point totals that they wouldn't normally be able to. That brought more points into the slice, allowing more people to reach their point totals. And, there were many people running OML. It may be too early to make conclusions, but to me, it seems points have dropped overall in Nefarious Foes, and so far in Predator and Prey. Maybe this was the developer's intentions all along?
  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,050 Chairperson of the Boards
    OML nerf hurts me in no way, shape, or form. I'm in 4* land but I see him a lot and I smoke his teams a lot. He's not really a threat to me unless he's at lvl 420+. I don't even have a single OML cover. 

    But the whining really isn't about him being OP imo. It's about....

    1) nobody likes nerfs and nerfs alone. 
    2) it probably feels like the developers are doing this because OMLs true heal allowed you to "cheat the system" with only a couple covers. 

  • SummerGlau
    SummerGlau Posts: 1,027 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm in the 4 Star Transition and doubt I'll ever see 5 Land
    so I can imagine the pain players with max champed OML are experiencing but don't feel it
  • astrp3
    astrp3 Posts: 367 Mover and Shaker
    edited April 2017
    I'm in the 4 Star Transition and doubt I'll ever see 5 Land
    so I can imagine the pain players with max champed OML are experiencing but don't feel it

    I've never had an OML nor have I read every post on the topic (can't take it), so I can't really say, but from the ones I have read, it seems that those most affected are those whose only useable 5*s are OML or OML and one other (primarily Phoenix). I'd think that someone with a max champed OML would have a number of other 5*s champed and thus, according to the posts I've read, probably wouldn't be using OML.

    I am also a bit confused by some posts I've read that seem to say "People don't use OML because he's overpowered, they use him because of his true heal." Isn't the true heal what supposedly makes him overpowered? Or are they saying that only offensive powers count towards being overpowered (if so, then would a character who healed 100% of team health every turn and revived downed characters but had no other abilities not be considered overpowered?)

    I am only in 3* land so I mostly see OML in PvP , often as the only 5* on a weak 3* - or even a 2* - roster (I rarely see any other 5* being used on such rosters). That DID annoy me at first, since I felt that someone with an inferior roster had progressed farther than they should have just because they (unlike me) lucked into an OML in their first month of play . I admit that that belief may have been unjustified. OTOH, those teams are easy to beat so I don't know how much OML allowed them to progress farther than they would have without him.

    It might not seem that OML gives much of an advantage in PvE but even there, I think his true heal could be a boon for lower-level rosters like mine. If you can use him in nodes other than the easy nodes (I don't know if you can, and suspect you can't), I could see how his true heal and health pack savings would allow you to wait until the later (e.g. the last hour) to do your final clears. I can do this sometimes, but it's not easy to do so and still have health packs for the start of the next node and for PvP. Yes, there are true healers in 3* land, but a) I don't think they heal as much as OML and b) OML's match damage allows him to stay in front more often and prevent your non-healers from taking damage. OTOH, at least for the 2* roster, I'd think the increased scaling would more than offset the advantage of OML's true healing, but maybe no. Someone told me that they changed scaling so that a single, uncovered 5* doesn't affect it, but I am doubtful this is true (though adding six one-cover 5*s to my roster didn't affect my scaling one iota).

    I don't know if any of this is a good reason to nerf him, however - though they could have just nerfed his healing at low cover levels.

  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    While I do see a lot of 360-405 Logans in PVP, I'd be willing to bet that far more of that 10% figure is accounted for by mid-tier (late 3*, early 4*) players using him to clear trivial nodes. Other than that, there's a very narrow range of progression where he is actually the best option.
  • astrp3
    astrp3 Posts: 367 Mover and Shaker
    edited April 2017
    Jarvind said:
    While I do see a lot of 360-405 Logans in PVP, I'd be willing to bet that far more of that 10% figure is accounted for by mid-tier (late 3*, early 4*) players using him to clear trivial nodes. Other than that, there's a very narrow range of progression where he is actually the best option.
    If by "trivial nodes" you mean seed teams in PvP, then I'd expect that Thanos' winning team percentage would be pretty close to OML's if that was the major reason for the 10% figure, yet they said that OML's 10% was higher than any other character's and some have taken them to imply that it was MUCH higher. Yes, I know Thanos is new, but I personally see him used against seed teams FAR more than OML (it's not even remotely close), but maybe that's because of my brackets/level. I'd be curious to know which character had the second highest percentage and what it was. If OML was 10% and the next highest was 1%, I'd be much more skeptical of claims that his high percentage is primarily, if not entirely, because he is the oldest 5* and more players have him covered. If the next highest percentage was, say, 8%, I'd find such claims more plausible (though I'd like to see  the correlation coefficients between 5* character age and/or cover level and % appearance on winning teams).

    For PvE, OTOH, I suspect that OML is used more on trivial nodes since you don't have the loaner to absorb Thanos' court death.
  • Syleye
    Syleye Posts: 26 Just Dropped In
    so because you are bored and this doesn't harm you then it's okay, "oh well sucks to be the other guy" attitude is boring me frankly. Eventually they will come after someone you love to play with, then should the rest of us sit back and so oh well guess that sucks for you? 
  • carrion_pigeons
    carrion_pigeons Posts: 942 Critical Contributor
    When people say OML isn't overpowered, they mean he doesn't win pvp brackets. But obviously people who compete at the top level still use him lots, for grinding PvE and farming pvp. That grinding is the only place where it makes sense for that 10 percent statistic to come from, and it's what the nerf is really about.  Good luck hitting the hard node in a pve sub a thousand times without OML.

    The nerf had basically nothing to do with pvp.  The rosters who were dependent on him for pvp and are now screwed were just collateral damage. 
  • Azoth658
    Azoth658 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    I am a weak PvP player and I've seen thanos once or twice in team compositions and OML in almost every team ranging from 255 to 400. Well , until the nerf anyway.

    I think it's difficult to have a true picture when all of our opinions are based off of what we see in the game and our own ways of playing.

    It could be as someone has mentioned that players with one cover of oml were using him over two or three covers in other 5 stars. 

    From my own experience, I'm a snoop when I'm looking at PvP teams and the number of times I saw 5 stars stronger than oml that a player could have used but wasn't was unreal. I'd say 8 times out of 10 when fighting an OML there was a better alternative on that players roster. He's not too much of a threat due to being fairly squishy when the last man standing, but if you had placed him with characters like Peggy or thing etc that force you to kill them first and slow you down he had a chance of rolling out the claws and decimating even on defence.

    Now if what I saw was what the wider picture looked like then I can easily see how his true healing was causing players not to use other characters. The ten percent stat wasn't so much about him being over powered as it was about players not using their other characters. (It was a little about him being over powered)

    But I think it's fair to say it's already changed who people are playing with. The teams I'm seeing are much more varied than before (excluding boosted characters)
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sorry OP, buy i dont think your description of the situation is accurate.

    To be sure, OML was a 5* opponent you might see in the 500-800 range of pvp.  But those were mostly low cover OMLs.  And not especially more common than a phoenix or other old 5*.  He was not threatening in this condition at all.  

    Nor was OML an especially common target above 800 points.  No doubt people still used him, but no one with the option left him out as a defensive team.  2x champed 4*s were way more common ad usually more threatening.  

    So if the concern was how often players uad to fight oml, the problem had already solved itself.  His usage in pvp has been going down since last summer.

    Where oml's usage has gone up is in pve trivial nodes, but all that does is make the absurd ount of grinding in this game a bit more bearable.

    This nerf fixes a problem that didnt really exist; and in the process it screws over loyal players who spent hundreds of dollars on the game, and cheapens any future investment by signaling tjat other 5* powerhouses (bb, thanos) are on the chopping block too.

    What a great development for the game!

  • VazzVegas
    VazzVegas Posts: 27 Just Dropped In
    My OML was only 0/1/2 so i didnt use him but I will say the combination of the character being over-nerfed and the "compensation" offered is what is upsetting the people who rely on him. I understand that the reason he was nerfed is just that - people over-rely on him, and him alone to play the game.

    But i cant recall ever being compensated for a nerf. It's a red flag right off the bat. It's a sign that they realized there would be backlash. Throwing everyone a free *5 cover isn't going to be enough to fend off those most effected. If they knew the nerf was going to be that bad, they should have over-compensated people. Like most have said, at least make the trade in equal to the amount of covers you have for him. As far as I can tell, I will need to spend 90k iso to level mine from lvl 255 to lvl 300 (the current max lvl with 3 covers), just to get 2 covers compensation. That's not good enough.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    Please be sure to update in a week or 2 after fighting BB/Thanos near exclusively 
  • Ducky
    Ducky Posts: 2,255 Community Moderator
    Please keep discussions regarding the OML change in the official thread. Thanks.
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