General strike

I see, over and over again, people complain about literally everything that happens in this game. They threaten to quit. And, as far as I can tell, almost none of them do. A threat is meaningless unless it's backed up with action, and the devs know it. Solution: a strike.

If you're angry at the changes that have been made to OML, go on strike. If you hate vaulting, go on strike. If you're sick of new characters every two weeks while the game still crashes far, far too often, go on strike. 

Here's how we do it: we write a list of demands, and then - and this is the important part - we ALL QUIT PLAYING UNTIL AT LEAST SOME OF THOSE DEMANDS ARE MET. We don't threaten to quit then keep playing, we quit playing. That's how things get done.


  • Echoseis
    Echoseis Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
    Already Uninstalled, check the profile pic...
  • StarScream
    StarScream Posts: 147 Tile Toppler
    Don't need to strike. With all the "check internet connections" this game throws on me, it is clear they do not want me to play. 
  • snlf25
    snlf25 Posts: 947 Critical Contributor
    Please go on strike. Organize and get as many hardcore players to join your worthy cause. It'll make getting Cloak and Dagger covers that much easier for me. 
    You can have mine. I'm only going for the Medusa cover, possibly the 15CP. I'm too pissed and resentful to fight for yet another new character right now. Piss on em.
  • Magic
    Magic Posts: 1,199 Chairperson of the Boards
    It can't happen so why even waste energy? There is no way to get everybody on board with such an idea.
  • kyo28
    kyo28 Posts: 161 Tile Toppler

    I thought about this the same way but consider this: probably over 90% of revenue comes from the big whales. So whatever us, small shrimps, do, it won't make a dent in their revenue:

    • Stop playing: as long as you weren't spending money anyway, what do they care?
    • Stop spending: casuals spend, what? around 200 Euro a year? Won't bother them
    • Stop pulling covers: again, what do they care?

    It's a sad but true fact that we can't make a meaningful fist. We're just the gravy on the big meat that are the super-whales.

    So what I do is this: I distance myself from this game. PS4 has returned as my main gaming device (bought a PSN topup card and PS4 game for the first time again since long). I'm saving up to get a PSVR and so on. I spend my money there because, obviously, I'm the demographic they go after and care about: casual to semi-hard-core player with a decent but not exhorbitant disposable income.

    MPQ's demographic is different: it's F2P but gets tons of cash from super-whales, hence caters to them virtually exclusively. Look at all the recent changes. They are tailor-made for super-whales and casuals/semi-hardcores don't even factor in:

    • Vaulting older 4*s: perfect for super-whales who can build newer characters faster, others are boned
    • Nerfing OML: super-whales don't care, others are boned
    • Heroic Tokesn: super-whales might spend again on Heroics, others are boned
    • DDQ nerfing plans: super-whales might spend on these stores, others are boned

    There's a clear pattern and it says that D3 doesn't care whether I spend money or not. So I scaled back my MPQ gaming hours way back to only daily DDQ and sniping PVE. That's it! And of course stop spending money: be it VIP or sales. I feel less stress, don't care about my roster progression anymore and enjoy other games to the fullest. I'm basically done obsession over this game and it actually feels therapeutic

  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    Even if everyone on the forum did this (including whales) this is still a miniscule number of players so it's a movement doomed to failure.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    If you don't like the game anymore, just stop playing. Come back in a while and see if it's improved. If not, repeat as necessary or just uninstall.
  • Blergh
    Blergh Posts: 159 Tile Toppler
    kyo28 said:

    I thought about this the same way but consider this: probably over 90% of revenue comes from the big whales. So whatever us, small shrimps, do, it won't make a dent in their revenue:

    • Stop playing: as long as you weren't spending money anyway, what do they care?
    • Stop spending: casuals spend, what? around 200 Euro a year? Won't bother them
    • Stop pulling covers: again, what do they care?
    They'd care. Free players and a large playing base is important for most games. There are already complaints that queues are getting dry, and that alliances are finding it harder and harder to find a regularly that hits top progression. I know the alliance I was part of before uninstalling had four people leave end season. Me and someone else left the game entirely - unsure about the others. But that's two people with weak four-star rosters who regularly hit 1200 who've left. Not in some grand gesture - I just found the new token system less fun.(I only came back to the forum as I saw quitting rants in line and wondered what they'd done to taco tokens to invoke them.) But less points in PVP is never a good thing. You need to feed the whales. 

    May not matter so much PVE.  Just less chance of sniping a bracket late.

    And if they even just stopped spending on VIP it could create a large dent. It went up to about £10 Per month didn't it? Get ten people to stop and that's £100.00 Per month.  20, £200.00.  It snowballs fast on collective scale.  
    And they wouldn't care as they rely on whales?  Why are they trying to increase spending through vaults, old characters, even by introducing a VIP system and stuff? Why introduce an ad system in the game?  I think they either need or want the regular small amount bread and butter spending more than you realize.  If they didn't want or need the money they wouldn't be making cash grabs like the above.

    Besides if the OP feels better through protesting why try and take that away from them? Do what ever will make you feel better, and don't let  anyone discourage you.  
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2017
    Joking aside, this would take some serious coordination that would require alliance leaders getting their alliances behind it and then how would you enforce scabs that broken the strike.

    It's possible given how social the game has become and would be an instance of ultimate irony. Devs done in by the very mechanisms they put in the game.

    I think it would take something like a nerf to im40 or 3strange to get the fremium  players behind it. That will really be crossing the lin.
  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    Most of the player base does not use the forums or any of the other social channels for the game. You'd never get enough support to make any real impact.

    Even if the entire player base was on the forums I doubt you'd be able to get enough people.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    They should do an in-game popup... "If you are dissatisfied with the current game changes, please go to and see the threads regarding organizing a strike against us"

    That should do it!

    I've never been a fan of "boycotts" and "strikes".  They are counter productive to establishing a resolution, they only increase the divide and tension.

    I've expressed my discontent, and if my voice is not deemed important enough to be considered, then they don't need my business and if I'm still offended by that realization I can take it upon myself to decrease my use of their product or eliminate it altogether.  It's not like they are the only freemium cell phone game out there.  I don't need to go out and try to convince others to do the same.

    I would be sad to leave the progress I made over these past 920 days, to leave the group of friends I've made through the social aspect of this game, to leave the forums with other respected players/posters.  Honestly those things keep me playing more than the same events running on an endless cycle and new lackluster characters being thrown out every 2 weeks.

    I play their game willingly.  I'm not forced to play it.  They do not burden me in any way, any burden from them is self induced... so to financially try to hurt them because I have burdened myself with their product is a bit off balance.  They don't provide an essential service to me, they don't impact my health, my livelihood, the safety of my family, or my job security.  They have nothing that I can't live without.  To promote people to Strike or Boycott is vindictive and unjustified.

    Personal expression is one thing, trying to convince others to do the same to cause fiscal damage is too far.
  • krak0
    krak0 Posts: 22 Just Dropped In
    I honestly think they just do not care what we think they treat us like children that have no idea what is good for them. Every time they implement something that upsets the community they never acknowledge the situation. Sometimes they just give us some iso or tokens to redirect and pacify us just like you would a small child that is upset, instead of treating us like customers who have valid concerns about something we truly enjoy.
  • NewMcG
    NewMcG Posts: 368 Mover and Shaker
    kyo28 said:
    probably over 90% of revenue comes from the big whales.
    They've made over $100 million on the game. You'd have to go a LOT further than just the super-whales to account for $90M worth of revenue.