Deck Slots 2.0 - Sandbox games

kauppila Posts: 48 Just Dropped In
Once deck slots are out, it would be great to challenge yourself against a XXX deck of your own creation.  You don't need to earn Runes or anything.  Your own little "sandbox" match.

Also, it would be great to be able to face off against some of the PvE decks that we have been challenged with to see how our new deck design stands out.

Actually, while we are at it, how about creating decks that are not "legal" to play.  Being able to pick PW level, pick cards that you do NOT own and face off against those.  Would be great to be able to setup a match against a deck that you saw once to see how your deck holds up against it.

And, now that Avacyn and Emrakul's events are not being run any more, why not just add them to Story Mode?  That would be simple to put together.