Comic question: Venom vs. Carnage

Has anyone ever read the Venom vs. Carnage mini-series from 2004? They just went on sale at Comixology for the weekend, and I think I'll pick them up if they're any good. I really liked the Sinister Spider-Man mini from the Dark Reign era, which I picked up and read a few months ago, but at least half of that was probably due to Chris Bachalo's art, which I love.


  • The series is awesome icon_e_smile.gif you won't be disappointing. Bachalo is amazing art. That all being said...this should probably be moved to another thread =p It's not exactly game related (even if awesome). Riggy, I choose you!
  • The series is awesome icon_e_smile.gif you won't be disappointing. Bachalo is amazing art. That all being said...this should probably be moved to another thread =p It's not exactly game related (even if awesome). Riggy, I choose you!

    Unfortunately Venom vs. Carnage doesn't have Bachalo art, only the later Sinister Spider-Man mini did. Thanks for the recommendation, though! I'll probably check it out anyway--at .99 a pop, why wouldn't I?

    Also, I actually checked to see if there was a different forum for this, but didn't see one.
  • On the main page there are two off topic sub-sections. Down at the bottom.
  • bahukma wrote:
    On the main page there are two off topic sub-sections. Down at the bottom.

    Yeah, but those are for other games, not general topics. I figured talking about Venom comic books would be fairly topical to the game.

    Anyway, this is all tangential.