Mystique Shapeshift AP waste

MunitionsFrenzy Posts: 102 Tile Toppler
Normally, when a power requires that basic tiles exist for it to overwrite, it'll give a warning and do nothing if there aren't enough basic tiles for it to work. This is normally true for Mystique's Shapeshift as well, or at least used to be. (I hope that hasn't changed this patch, as that's a little difficult to test.)

However, if Mystique already has a Shapeshift tile on the board, and there are no other purple tiles left, using her power does not give a warning. Instead, it does absolutely nothing other than waste 8 AP. It doesn't even refresh the tile's duration or stun the target.

EDIT : Just came across the same situation, and this time it gave me a warning. I'm not sure what was different this time around. I'll do some more testing.