Puzzle Warriors 3 Episode #83!

XaOs72 Posts: 414 Mover and Shaker
edited April 2017 in MPQ General Discussion
Jenda brings Blade to a puzzle fight

* JendaMcGlynn stop by!
* Token pull exploit
* Updates to points
* Hulk story change
* R123



  • LFChikarason
    LFChikarason Posts: 399 Mover and Shaker
    - Parts Unknown? Is it the ULTIMATE Warrior?
    - Teen Jean vs. Moonstone remains one of the toughest Crashes of all time. Right up there with Flaptain vs. 3 star Carol
    - And Teen Jean is Andre the Giant? I need to catch up
    - and of course, my fully covered, but not champed Duck made Big Pun look like a fool
    - My Bucky is champed, level 273, I beat Panther last time when Bucky was lowly level 130 so this should be no concern
    - and how much of that rum went towards some ham?
    - Unless you have a good cover spread on a five star, I personally think focusing on champing all the four stars will be more beneficial in the long run
    - careful there with the rumor and innuendo re: new characters...
    - I'm glad you left out the embarrassing Triple H and even more embarrassing Ryan Reynolds portions of Blade's past
    - My vine is currently a yellow 4 star Luke Cage I may need to dump 120 CP for a black cover to champ and a bunch of two stars, just waiting to be re-champed
    - My favorite four staring of X-Force Deadpool paid off today with an LT from 3 star Bullseye getting me Wasp and XFD, which lead me to my...
    - ...Reward of the week was a red five star Cliff, gotta catch 'em all!
    - A day late! Unacceptable!
  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    What was happening with the sound effects for the legendary token pulls? The drum rolls were always at least a couple of seconds late.

    Good show, would listen again.
  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,751 Chairperson of the Boards
    Also have a Cage issue:


    Won't be able to save 2 of those as I am waiting for Hobo Fist to go in the tokens before I draw and 3Cage is almost at 223 which would also save some of them.

    Good show and a very good guest again, loads of good information. Obviously I have no idea of the Brits you are bumping into but they must be homeless people, that's my only explanation because any Brit that has a shred of dignity left would not admit to Coors lite or Bud lite. Even school kids here would turn their noses up at that!
  • shartattack
    shartattack Posts: 370 Mover and Shaker
    Can you guys do a patreon to keep Genda?
    I'm a straight guy, but i love just listening to his voice. Plus, his insight inspired me to pursue my last 4*blade cover, after thinking previously that he wasn't that great.

    On the next cast, could you guys spend a few moments talking about which of "the 12" that you guys are planning on chasing/champing, and which ones you guys are passing on?
  • JeffCascadian
    JeffCascadian Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    --GameStorm, the Portland-area's largest gaming convention was Thursday through Sunday. I easily spent more time playing MPQ than all other games combined and, yes, I did wear my #TooManySecrets T-shirt one day. Unfortunately, I'm now recovering from the ubiquitous Con Crud.
    --Jenda's "pew" made me think of Nova. "Pew! Pew!" icon_e_biggrin.gif
    --As so many others have already commented, Jean's Crash is tough even with a Champion. Howard wasn't bad, though, even without a Champion duck.
    --I won't be trying Winter Soldier until tomorrow. My S.H.I.E.L.D. Resupply tomorrow is a red Winter Solider cover and even that will only bring him to 2/2/2.
    --My vine is a little frustrating. Today's Resupply was a Legendary token that gave me my sixth blue Coulson cover; he's at 0/1/5. I also have a green Moon Knight I can't use because he's at 1/3/5; this extra cover came from a Champion level for Sentry.
    --My Howard 10-pack didn't gain me a Howard but I did receive the Legendary token. That gave me a 4-star and triggered a Bonus Hero (Hulkbuster).
    --New news: it looks like an OML nerf will actually happen. He's still too powerful compared to other 5-stars. The post I read said that 10% of all winning teams include OML. Let the complaining commence. (Not from me but you know it's coming from oh, so many players.)
    --Ian, you don't seem to even enjoy playing anymore. I hope you're not keeping playing just for us listeners. I don't think anybody should keep playing if they don't actually like to.
    --Yes, please. No more competitive rewards for PVE.
    --I like the change of the Hulk reward to a random cover but 1) he's my highest level Champion so it doesn't matter which color it is to me and 2) I received green anyway.
    --The next Hulk cover I receive will make him the first 3-star to award me the second 4-star cover.
    --Could Craig explain why he wants more Battery Man covers? His best power, Recharge, doesn't improve with levels.
    --I'm also of the opinion that you should work on the 4-stars before the 5-stars.
    --What IS Craig's go-to team these days? Surely he isn't still using the 3-star Cage/Fist/Witch team.
    --Bag-Man pairs well with Peggy & IM40. icon_razz.gif
    --It's too bad that Jenda doesn't know where the Featured Character of the Week sponsors come from. Perhaps we have Too Many Secrets. icon_e_wink.gif
    --"The forgotten 4-star," indeed. I still find it puzzling (no pun intended) that anybody wanted another Blade in the game.
    --Did anybody actually use any of Bag-Man's covers in the Bags to Riches PVP? It's not the his powers are bad but that they cost too much. I've written before and I'll write again that the only thing needed to fix him is to lower the AP costs.
    --Reward of the week: Spent 20CP on an Classic Legends to gain another blue 5-star Spider-Man and received a Black Panther as a Bonus Hero. That means I'm only missing 5-star Hawkeye now.
    --My season 10-pack was three 3-stars and the rest were 2-stars. I'm not going to complain as they were Champion levels for everybody.
    --I'm thrilled that we're now days away from 3-star Hawkeye making it to cover stores. He'll be my 3-star Favorite as soon as that happens. 5-star Hawkeye is already my Favorite at that tier.
    --A minor request: Could you add the episode number to the title? When I want to recommend a specific episode, usually because of the Featured Character of the Week, it'd be easier on the person trying to find it if there were an episode number instead of just a title. Thanks.
    --Is it ironic that they don't want players to use exploits but have a character, Gwenpool, with a power that it literally 'Spoilts? icon_e_wink.gif
    --A day late this week? Way to go, CRAIG!
    --Thank you for guesting, Jenda. I hope you can arrange to be on the show again. You were a delight to listen to.
    --I'm guessing the hint for next week's Featured Character of the Week has to do with both 4-star Cage's passing resemblance to Mister T and the fact that he could be hired to take care of problems. Really, though, he more resembles Uncle Phil from "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air." In fact, if I could afford that rewards level, that's the character I'd rename for the show. icon_e_smile.gif
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well I got the Crash done with a 168 4/2/2 Bucky on the third try, no boosts. Deny AP of every color and hope he matches away my traps, was my plan. Jean's crash was also a pain. Think I finished with under 200 health.

    LFC, I disagree that Captain Falcon vs Marvel is super hard; she doesn't do all that much damage. Just save up 14 red and 8 (9?) yellow and take her down in 1 go. Depends on your board, I guess, although I'd argue that every Crash is really hard if the game refuses to give you [the color of your best power] AP. I think Wolverine's is worse than that; even championed Cyclops can still kill you in one turn with Full Blast, Recovery or no. He really needs more hit points.

    I do agree that Jenda is an excellent guest.

    Has the UHF gold mine really not run dry yet? It's been too long, it would seem.
  • shartattack
    shartattack Posts: 370 Mover and Shaker
    Just read up on the new Cloak and Dagger. I think Ian is going to need some help, or a few Ricola. 2 different versions of each power?
  • JeffCascadian
    JeffCascadian Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    I was right. The fanboys are already in a snit over OML.

    More rewards of the week: Bag-Man everywhere. I earned one from progression in his event, three from placement, and then another as a Lightning Round reward right after. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just read up on the new Cloak and Dagger. I think Ian is going to need some help, or a few Ricola. 2 different versions of each power?

    Might not be so bad if they're formatted logically.
  • beyonderbub
    beyonderbub Posts: 661 Critical Contributor
    Tony Foot wrote:
    Also have a Cage issue:


    Won't be able to save 2 of those as I am waiting for Hobo Fist to go in the tokens before I draw and 3Cage is almost at 223 which would also save some of them.

    Make sure you get the biggest bang for your ISO buck by recruiting an extra 4Cage with 2 yellow covers, leveling it up to level 83 and selling it off for 4k ISO instead of just selling each cover separately for 1k each.

    Edit: OOPS! Sorry I read this a couple days too late. You probable already sold off the bottom 2.
  • JeffCascadian
    JeffCascadian Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    I like the Wolverine changes.
    I like the Carnage changes.
    I LOVE the Elektra changes.
    I'm sick of the damn whining about these changes plus the changes to these forums.