Surprise Bonus Waves

Leicontis Posts: 2
At its core, the idea is this:
    In some PvE battles, have a chance for one or more added waves of enemies that can optionally be fought for some added benefit. Regardless of whether the bonus wave is fought or not, win or lose, the player still gets full credit for beating that mission (event score, reward, chance for signal intercept). Beating a bonus wave gives some kind of benefit, whether in event score, added drops, both, or maybe even something else (whatever the devs think works best). Retreating from a bonus wave doesn't cause the damage normally caused by retreating, though any damage taken from the wave itself still applies. Boss fights and fights that provide loaners never get bonus waves. The likelihood of a bonus wave appearing could vary depending on the type or difficulty of the mission.

It's not exactly rare to finish a fight with several powers still charged, or otherwise in a position where you could take on more enemies, and it always feels like a bit of a waste. This was my idea to address that. The overall feel would be that bonus waves are purely extra - the only risk/cost is if you choose to fight them instead of retreating. It would hardly be fair to have someone expend a lot of boosts/Team-Ups and/or Health Packs to beat a tough fight, only to suddenly find that they're required to beat an unannounced extra wave to actually win. Having a bonus wave show up should always be either positive or neutral - positive in that you get a shot at the bonus, or neutral in that you don't feel up to taking on the challenge and you retreat.