Daken Chemical Reaction resolution

optimus2861 Posts: 1,233 Chairperson of the Boards
Another one I noticed today: the order of operations in Daken's Chemical Reaction skill is incorrect. It used to always apply the "change two blue to green, remove up to X strike tiles, and deal damage" all at the same time. Now the skill goes through distinct phases; the base damage is applied and two blues are turned green; the bonus damage for each strike tile is applied; and strike tiles are removed.

Today during DDQ, the "blue to green" phase created a green match 3, which of course created a fresh strike tile. The "remove strike tiles" phase then removed that new strike tile, although it didn't apply the bonus damage for that tile; it shouldn't have anyway, because that tile shouldn't have been created yet.

Honestly, you guys have been breaking order of operations in this game for months now. Is the code really that much of a spaghetti mess?