The Incredible Hulk to appear in MPQ

edited December 2013 in MPQ General Discussion
While browsing the internets, I stumbled upon a nice article related to the work Keith Zizza, the Audio Lead for Marvel Puzzle Quest did for the game.

In the article you can find some details about the work he's done for the game, respectively a nice video about Classic Spiderman's audio for his blue ability, some details related to Iron Man's Repulsor Beam audio and, most importantly, about what Keith Zizza had to do in regard to Hulk's sound files.

Being a Marvel game and Hulk being one of the better known heroes of the Marvel Universe, it shouldn't surprise us that he will eventually appear in the game. The question now is when will the Hulk make an appearance in MPQ? With the audio files already done and most likely that the artwork and animations are completed as well, are we going to see Hulk in a Hulk-themed tournament over the next couple of weeks (similar to the introductory tournaments for Iron Man MK40, Captain America etc.)?

Additionally, please find below the link to the article:


  • Rhompalot wrote:
    The question now is when will the Hulk make an appearance in MPQ? With the audio files already done and most likely that the artwork and animations are completed as well, are we going to see Hulk in a Hulk-themed tournament over the next couple of weeks (similar to the introductory tournaments for Iron Man MK40, Captain America etc.)?

    I'd say this is a safe bet. ICE IX did say in some other post somewhere that they are intending to filter down new characters through tourneys and events like that.

    Also, nice find! I can't wait to see him in game
  • Really nice find! icon_e_smile.gif And yes, expect him to be introduced in similar fashion as IM40 and Captain America.

    Now all we need is a little patience icon_mrgreen.gif
  • KillStormFirst
    KillStormFirst Posts: 140 Tile Toppler
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