Quasi sonic Scream glitch

J-Sin Posts: 3 Just Dropped In
Am I wrong, or is Black Bolt's Quasisonic Scream supposed to wipe all tiles and drain ALL AP from yours and the enemy team? I've used it before and I though it did this, But as of late (3/16/17) it doesn't drain enemy AP leaving me vulnerable. If I'm mistaken I apologize and then think this is a TERRIBLE ability for a 5 star character. Lol. If I'm correct please fix. Still love the game though.


  • Tombstone
    Tombstone ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 1,208 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hey there J-sin, what you are experiencing with Quasi-Sonic Whisper is normal game functionality. The bit of text that explains this is as follows:

    "If you have at least 5 AP in all colors, he lets out a scream, draining all friendly colored AP, destroying the board and dealing [x] damage to the enemy team."

    While having the ability only drain your AP may be unfavorable, you also have to remember that this ability will be destroying the entire board. In matches against characters with abilities that utilize special tiles, this can be used as a guaranteed denial. Such examples being that you can use this ability to remove Phoenix's From the Ashes Countdown tile, denying her from coming back to life and Green Goblin's Goblin Glider Countdown tile, preventing his Goblin Glider ability from being reactivated.