Elektra shadow step dealing dmg at the end of opponents turn

fr0stythebroman Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
Shadow step used to deal damage immediately after a trap was triggered. Currently, the damage is not dealt until the end of the opponents turn. This allows opponents who would have otherwise been defeated, to match and use abilities before the damage goes off.
Is this intentional? It's super annoying taking 3000 match damage from a dead enemy -.- Not to mention watching them match away your other traps when they're not even supposed to be alive.


  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's been like that for a while, actually. I don't use Elektra enough to have a clear timeline of when that changed. But yeah, it's really annoying.
  • Tombstone
    Tombstone ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 1,208 Chairperson of the Boards
    Elektra's black trap tile damage was indeed changed, but it was set so that the damage from a cascade would be applied after the cascade finished. Are you guys seeing that if a 5 match is made during one of these cascades, the trap tiles will not deal the intended damage?
  • fr0stythebroman
    fr0stythebroman Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
    The last match it happened, mystique had around 500 health i think... So the next trap would kill her. She got match that fell into a match 5. Then made another move (a black match four. Three of which were traps D: )

    Side note: there was a doombot or something or other left after mystique.
    ROTBI Posts: 54 Match Maker
    Yes, this cannot be intended. Had this same horrible experience as well. AI cascaded, destroying my other traps, got at least 2 extra turns, if not 3, and got off multiple uses of Mystique's purple and black abilities, when she should have been dead when the first trap went off. Please fix this!
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hi Tombstone,

    What's happening is that each match during the cascade will attempt to deal damage and remove (and consume) a trap, so that if the cascade continues Elektra will start to take damage again if she runs out of traps. If she then DIES before the cascade ends (not necessarily due to a match-5), none of the traps that triggered do any damage. I'm also pretty sure that none of the trap damage happens until the end of the turn, so if the AI gets a bonus move due to a match-5, they'll get to make that match as well before taking any damage from the traps.
  • Tombstone
    Tombstone ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 1,208 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thank you guys for providing the additional information, I'll have to speak to the team in regards to the functionality of the ability and how the order of operations are broken down. When I receive some updates, whether the issue is a bug or not, I'll be sure to update this post with the much needed clarity.
  • fr0stythebroman
    fr0stythebroman Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
    Just wanted to add that triggered trap tiles are not being destroyed as well.
    The ap is added, but the black tile remains.
  • copperfox
    copperfox Posts: 2 Just Dropped In
    I think this effects more than just match-5s. If the enemy casts a damage dealing ability that consumes a trap tile they still get to make a match move before the damage is applied, even if the trap tile damage would have killed them.

    I reported this through in-game feedback 2 months ago. From that report: "I've had the computer fire an ability which cascades and removes all the trap tiles, then they fire an ability with the person in front who should be dead. They then make a match, end the turn, and the person in front dies."
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    Shadow Step remains damaged. I used it this morning, she was in fromt, Ant Man's yellow did its damage at the beginning, which was blocked, but the trap did no return damage. With all th strikes out on the board, it would have been fatal, but Ant Man went on to make a match, and then finally took damage and died.
  • DeNappa
    DeNappa Posts: 1,390 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yeah, really annoying. For me especially because she is one of the few 4*'s that I have champed. While she isn't exactly top tier even after her rework (she has her uses but her powers are vulnerable), this buggy behaviour on her shadow step really pushes her down the 'useful' list. The damage negation + immediate retaliation should be her strength, but if the enemy lingers around until the end of their turn it's pretty much ruined.

    Tombstone said:
    Thank you guys for providing the additional information, I'll have to speak to the team in regards to the functionality of the ability and how the order of operations are broken down. When I receive some updates, whether the issue is a bug or not, I'll be sure to update this post with the much needed clarity.
    So, any updates in these 3 months? :mrgreen:
  • vernr1
    vernr1 Posts: 32 Just Dropped In
    From what I can tell the changes to Elektras shadow step appeared at the same time her other changes came through. Does this mean this was intended and just not mentioned in update notes? Is this a bug that will be fixed? What's going on...

    Can we have character power changes that are made in the future be posted in change notes please?
  • Nikita-K
    Nikita-K Posts: 33 Just Dropped In
    Shadow step was broken months before these changes. It was mentioned several times by different players, normally without any reaction. This is the next try to get it fixed. Hope dies last.
  • Nikita-K
    Nikita-K Posts: 33 Just Dropped In
    @Tombstone: Maybe this helps. Her shadowstep is only bugged when she's in attacking team. In defense it seems that she's working as intended.
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2017
    Nikita-K said:
    @Tombstone: Maybe this helps. Her shadowstep is only bugged when she's in attacking team. In defense it seems that she's working as intended.
    I disagree. Trap damage should at minimum be dealt BEFORE the defending team gets an additional match due to a match-5, but even this does not happen.

    Oh, I see what you mean. Working properly when you as the active player are triggering Shadow Step of an Elektra on an opposing team. Yes, I think it works properly in that case, in that the damage is dealt to you after each power is fired, and the board settles but before you are able to make your bonus match, if you got one.

    I don't agree that this should be the functionality of the power. During a cascade, the trap should trigger *and damage should be dealt* dealt immediately after the damage is taken, before the tiles fall (same priority as the Entanglement "trap"). If this is technically unfeasible, then at latest the damage should be dealt after the match is made, and after the tiles fall, but before cascade matches are resolved. This would be the same priority as XFW Recovery (I believe). It should NOT wait until the board has completely settled, and should definitely not allow the AI to make their bonus match, if they get one.

    The problem with the current implementation is that Elektra has to survive the entire cascade before getting a chance to deal damage with the traps. If the cascade goes long enough, it's easily possible that she can run out of traps and start taking (potentially lethal) damage before actually doing any damage with Shadow Step. With the absurd 5-star match damage out there, this is not merely a corner-case. Dying from a cascade is a real thing.