Brigby, can you please help with the continued poor support?

peteer01 Posts: 43 Just Dropped In

We interacted back in November: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=55481&p=605624#p605624

At the time you were still new to the role, and I tried to respectfully end our conversation when I felt we were talking past each other. I'm reaching out because I am hoping that your last five months of additional exposure to the game, support, the forums and your other experiences will provide you with more experience.

I have tried to avoid engaging support because, as you know, my experience have not been satisfactory. Three cases ago (296803) I reported a bug, provided follow up, including screenshots, and got the reply:
Thank you for taking this time to report the issue that you are experiencing. We will inform the developer of the issue to make sure they are aware that the problem is occurring.
That's all I wanted, was for the bug to be brought to the dev's attention. That's one of dozens I've noticed, but it was related to a niche team that I worried would go undetected if I didn't personally report it.

There are two cases that I have opened since that.

303635: This detailed at viewtopic.php?f=9&t=61409 , I am shocked that D3 support does not see how this is abhorrent activity, and that they would not have it reviewed and looked into.

292827: Due to a bug, the time remaining for PvE was displaying incorrectly. Rather than playing the most valuable waves for the 5th and 6th time to maximize my points in the last 20 minutes, I was playing less valuable waves for the 6th and 7th time. The event ended at 10PM instead of the advertised time remaining time, which would have been closer to 10:30PM. As a result, I finished in 201st place. I'm not sure what difference all the waves played perfectly would have made...a half hour of points at the end is huge, but I know that I would have at least gotten 200th place.

I've gone back and forth with support giving them the same kind of clear and concise replies you suggested when we "talked" (PMed?) in November. As you can see from the ticket notes, my attempts to provide them with a clear explanation and replies has not been fruitful.

Is there anything you can do? Would you please at least review the two tickets above for me? I can't imagine D3 wants to ignore cheaters, and I believe my simple request for ticket 292827 was extremely reasonable. (I simply asked for delta of the Top 200 rewards)

Please let me know if you need any additional information.