Irked at the name choice - Whyyyyy?!?

edited November 2013 in MPQ General Discussion
Seriously Devs? You're calling this a "Thor Tournament" ?????


You should have called it a Thor-nament!


  • Why must people choose to air their Thor-laments?

    You're welcome.
  • I do not feel this has been a very Thor-ough discussion. The Thor-nament continues beyond Thors-day, plenty of time to Thor-ture each other with puns.
  • I just wanted to say I laughed at this more than I should have.
  • I just wish everyone would quit retaliating when I beat them. I mean come on, don't be a Thor loser! It is kind of a Thor-ny problem.
  • Don't complain when your plans have been Thor-ted. It's dishon-Thor-able.

    I used a the-Thor-us and that's the best I could do. Thor me.

  • Thor-ry about that last post.
  • I see that we have thor-oughly beat this horse to death.

  • Come now, I have a Thor-ey that a little more would a-Mjölnir-ate your feelings.
  • As the original au-Thor of this post, I will exercise my au-Thority to tell you that I am impressed with your creativity.

    Although, the original post was meant to be re-Thor-ical... keep them coming...

    IF YOU CAN!!!! icon_twisted.gif
  • Or we can talk about holiday decorations and what Thor-namenets you are going to put on your tree?

    Maybe you just want to have a quiet and Lo-ki holiday season. (low key - lol)

    Anyone else ready for Thanksgiving? It is next Thors-day.

    Let's rally the Thor-ses and keep this thread going! I'm not finding this Thor-ing at all...
  • Juggerlo wrote:
    keep them coming...

    IF YOU CAN!!!! icon_twisted.gif

    Thor-ly you must be joking.
  • Blue Shoes wrote:
    Thor-ly you must be joking.

    Most certainly I am not. Why? icon_e_confused.gif

    Do you lack the Thor-titiude to continue on? icon_eek.gif
  • OK. That is really enough with all the terrible a-Thor-ted jokes. It was a small plea-Thor at first but has not just become completely Thor-able. Thor-ting Thor-ough the 'clever' little word plays has Thor-oughly lost it's joy. Now my head is Thor.

    And the voice in my head is speaking in a lisp for some reason. Why in the name of Thor does the word lisp, have an 's' in it anyway?
  • Thor-rific guys icon_mrgreen.gif let's stop at this before someone got thormented
  • Lord_Jadem wrote:
    And the voice in my head is speaking in a lisp for some reason. Why in the name of Thor does the word lisp, have an 's' in it anyway?

    I'm Thor there is a reason. I have a few Thor-ies on that, but that would be a topic Thor a different thread. I would be Thor than happy to discuss them with you.

    It has been such a great pleas-Thor reading all of your creative posts!

    -- This really reminds me of the "meow" scene in Super Troopers --

    Thor-ly you can come up with a few more meow!
