New variation on wave node bug strangeness

firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
I was doing today's enchilada, my team was Wasp, 4* Sam Wilson, and She Hulk. I had two symbiote goons and 3* cap up as the opponents. I hit one of the symbiotes with Sam's dive bomb, killing it, and Kingpin pops in front. But, he came in with low health, as if he was the one hit by the dive bomb (or maybe strike tile damage was applied to him instead?).

Possibly related to the bug where Captain Marvel got a free energy absorption during the waves?


  • Tatercat
    Tatercat Posts: 930 Critical Contributor
    I’ve been seeing something similar to this lately, but not in wave nodes. Once with Wasp, I fired her black with the requisite blue needed to stun, but the damage was enough to down the enemy in front. But then the enemy behind him still received the 3 turn stun. I wasn’t paying attention to their health to see if it went down too, but....

    Here’s a case that anyone can try to repeat right now, in the Roll the Dice loaner node for Meet Rocket & Groot PVE ( 3* Deadpool + 2 Thugs ). If you have a power ready that will one shot any of that team (a countdown prepped red for Starlord for example), aim for a Thug to see what happens. Deadpool will jump in front & be killed but then the same amount of damage will kill the Thug behind him too.

    I haven't noticed if this happens in PVP yet.