Purchased character slots missing.

I submitted a ticket on 3/10, providing screen shots of all necessary data, before someone comments to submit a ticket.

I'm posting here to see if others encountered an issue, if there was a resolution and/or still pending.

Issue: Playing via STEAM (probably my first mistake), I purchased the Stark pack to then purchase 20 character slots. The initial Stark Salary purchase was successful, I was given the 20,000 resources points.

After purchasing the 20 characters lots, increasing from 65 to 85, the game client refreshed itself (loading screen) not initiated by me, displaying the previous 65 slots and then leaving me 565 resource points. I closed out the client, restarted, still no slots or resource points (20k+).

Then logged out of steam and MPQ, restarted both applications, still no slots or resource points.

Submitted a ticket with three screen shots showing receipt of purchase and the issue. Later the same day I received an e-mail from D3 Support stating to submit the very same information that I did with the initial request, so again, submitted the information. It is going on 5 days now with no word, no resolution.