Suggestions Index of Hot topics (updated: Oct. 27th)



  • cletus1985
    cletus1985 Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    1. The last team you fought with is your defensive team, but I do agree that you should be able to just set up a defensive team before you start fighting.

    2. Real time PVP would be great, not sure how easy that would be to integrate though and could cause systems to crash or lag.

    3. We're never going to be able to trade anything in this game, its counterproductive to profits. Also, it would just solidify top alliances as they gave each other covers from winning events to boost their non maxed members. Having a separate box to store a cover without it expiring is an interesting idea though and they could definitely make money selling those boxes at a much cheaper cost than an actual roster slot.
  • Origin: During the Spider-Man pvp last season I looked at the top 10 players, at least 6 of which had Spider-Man at max or at least had enough covers to max him.

    Suggestion: Add a option for players who have received a reward "Pass". Hitting the pass option does the same thing most end up doing and award the player the same
    amount of Iso as if they would have sold the cover, instead what would happen is the cover would then fall to the next in line that did not receive a cover.

    Example: #1 would get a 4* and 3 covers of (in this case) Spider-Man, #1 decides to keep the 4* cover and pass on the 3 covers. The 3 covers would then fall to #151-153
    of course giving the players only one of the covers not all three.

    Players like my self are stuck at the wall of 400 which limits us to low to mid 100's, more and more pvp is starting to appeal less and less to me because I just can't get revenge
    on someone using lvl 150+ characters. Figured this was a good idea because most times the covers higher end players get end up getting sold anyway, why not find a way to pass
    this on to the lower end players and increase there roster making it possible for them to become a more formidable foe at a later time.
  • It would be good to see the ability for clan members to post more than 2 lines of text at a time in the chat window. ON the iphone trying to explain things to newer members gets confusing as they must read it from bottom to top in 2 line increments.
  • cmgc
    cmgc Posts: 12
    Two ideas, one (the first) more practical than the other.

    1. Be able to preset a custom Squad. For example, you could pick DD, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist for a Defenders squad; Xforce Wolverine, Psylocke, and DP for the Xforce squad, etc.
    2. Madden style marketplace. Auction and or trade covers directly to other users.

    Love the Deadpool dailies!
  • Unknown
    Is the request for Windows Phone compatibility honestly not a frequent request at all? I'm thinking about switching to a Windows Phone and would rather not have to keep my old android around just so I can keep playing (and then only be able to play in WiFi). It's the only mobile game I play, and I play sort of a lot. Is this in the works at all? I did a search for Windows Phone for the entire forum and only a single solitary post came up, which is sort of surprising. So I'm making another one. Thanks for the great game guys and I hope it finds it's way to the growing Windows market.
  • Starshatter
    Starshatter Posts: 63 Match Maker
    I think it would be useful to create sub-folders in this forum.

    Suggestions and Feedback
    - gameplay(tiles, team ups, etc)
    - PVP
    - PVE
    - Characters
    - etc
    - etc

    This way it would be easier to find and contribute to specific topics.
  • Selvokaz
    Selvokaz Posts: 82 Match Maker
    How about adding HP Tokens as a reward whenever you complete all 4 nodes in the Deadpool Daily event? It doesn't have to be a lot maybe you earn 25 HP every day you complete all 4 events. This wont make people max out roster slots all that soon but its something to work towards.
  • killerkoala
    killerkoala Posts: 1,185 Chairperson of the Boards
    One thing they should add is the number of covers a team has when u select a node. I'd like to know if the IM40 is 5/5/2 or 4/3/5 without having to scan whole roster to look.

    get rid of vault animation, it's not really needed since it's been said prizes are randomly pick and animation isn't a controlling factor.

    alliance banner so commanders can have a place to say something and not have it scroll away.

    scrollable leaderboards.
  • Capmarv86
    Capmarv86 Posts: 8 Just Dropped In
    I'm getting really fed up with having to do the four star node and the last node of an event 20 times in a row and still not getting the command point. Was the ratio lowered on this or what because its ridiculous. I agree it shouldn't be that easy but the last node is usually 225 for me and that eats up health packs.. The fact that I need those two cps to get a token frustrates me even more!!!
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Unsticking this in favor of a new thread.