Minor: Incorrect Cover Display [Fix in R123]

Tee Posts: 231 Tile Toppler
Opened a Heroic token and got a:
Doctor Strange yellowflag.png
Then the bonus hero hit and it was:
Doctor Strange yellowflag.png

But when I checked the covers, it was instead:
Spider-Man yellowflag.png

Just a visual bug as far as I know. Like when you can see what you're getting before you click the token.

Happened again.
This time with Squirrel Girl.


  • GigerHR
    GigerHR Posts: 54 Match Maker
    Had the exact same thing happen today, except when I checked, my cover was actually Daredevil (with bonus Dr. Strange).
  • VentiMike
    VentiMike Posts: 5 Just Dropped In
    I had the same thing happen. I got a 3* doc strange and seemed to get another doc strange as a bonus hero, but I actually got a daredevil. Doc strange is the only 3* I have selected as a bonus right now as I am trying to get all the covers still.
  • archmag
    archmag Posts: 25
    Same. Got Doctor Strange from Standard token then bonus Doctor Strange poped up. Later discovered it was actually Iron Fist+Doctor Strange in the queue. Did not happen before yesterday update.
  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    Same thing happened to me. Opened a heroic and saw Thanos plus bonus Thanos, but looked in the queue and saw R&G + Thanos.
  • Leeroid86
    Leeroid86 Posts: 22 Just Dropped In
    I got Dr.strange from a heroic token plus an additional from a bonus. In my queue I had Scarlett witch and Dr.strange.... Something strange is going on!
  • SpawnSoloBROKE
    SpawnSoloBROKE Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
    I got a purple 3 star spidey from an elite pack then another purple 3 star spidey as a bonus cover. I have him favorited so it's fine, but when I went to my queue it was an iron fist cover instead. Not only was it a different cover than it showed me when i opened the pack, but iron fist is a character I do not have favorited. However, seeing how I got the same cover for the pack and the bonus, I don't know which one gave me the wrong cover.
  • SpawnSoloBROKE
    SpawnSoloBROKE Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
    I got 2 star.pngstar.pngstar.png spidey purpleflag.png

    but one ended up being iron fist.
    Seeing how i do have spidey favorited but not iron fist, it looks like the bonus hero was correct and the original opening wasn't.
  • EstherC
    EstherC Posts: 90 Match Maker
    Same, twice in a row. Thanos & storm appeared as l bonus heroes to their own but I saw only one each and instead it was starlord and something else.
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    Hey Everyone. Just wanted to let you know that the developers are aware of this bug, and there is an active report open in the database.

    Thankfully, this is only a graphical issue, as the Bonus Hero should still award the correct comic.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    Happens in standards too, in case that is relevant. Was shown double Thanos, had a Groot and Thanos in my queue. I do have Thanos favorited, but not Groot, so it appears the bug is on the "real" draw portion, not the bonus portion.
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,622 Chairperson of the Boards
    Happening to me too. The first time it happened I thought I got shorted. Now I'm thinking maybe I just didn't pick up on the fact that I got a different cover. Happened three times today. I think I'm going to stop pulling for now.
  • turbomoose
    turbomoose Posts: 777 Critical Contributor
    Pretty sure it didn't give me the thanos cover when I collected the black widow cover as you mentioned above, Brigby buddy icon_e_smile.gif
  • Tombstone
    Tombstone ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 1,208 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hey guys, just here to confirm what Brigby said. To add a little light on this visual error, the token before receiving the bonus heroes comic cover is incorrectly displayed as the same character as your bonus heroes, and not the character that you actually received.

    For instance, if you had Luke Cage (Heroes for Hire) selected as one of your favorite characters for Bonus Heroes, you will see Luke Cage (Heroes for Hire) twice when opening the cover, because the first is erroneously displaying over the 3-star character you actually got in your token. This doesn't mean you got two Luke Cage (Heroes for Hire) Comic Covers, so you'll have to check your pending rewards to see what the other character is. This also happens for 4-star and 5-star characters. Hope this helps!
  • Eanders4
    Eanders4 Posts: 2
    I'm having an issue where any of the bonus heros I've selected I'm not getting. Instead I get heroes I never selected! Is anyone else having this problem?
  • dmeleedy
    dmeleedy Posts: 26 Just Dropped In
    Brigby wrote:
    Hey Everyone. Just wanted to let you know that the developers are aware of this bug, and there is an active report open in the database.

    Thankfully, this is only a graphical issue, as the Bonus Hero should still award the correct comic.

    When I opened a Heroic token and got a 3* Doctor strange, my only favorited 3* was 3* Doctor Strange, yet I didn't get 2 in the queue when I looked after I saw the Bonus Character popup notification.
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    dmeleedy wrote:
    Brigby wrote:
    Hey Everyone. Just wanted to let you know that the developers are aware of this bug, and there is an active report open in the database.

    Thankfully, this is only a graphical issue, as the Bonus Hero should still award the correct comic.

    When I opened a Heroic token and got a 3* Doctor strange, my only favorited 3* was 3* Doctor Strange, yet I didn't get 2 in the queue when I looked after I saw the Bonus Character popup notification.
    So the issue with the display bug is that your initial comic pull will look like the Bonus Hero character pull. (In your case, you got a 3* Doctor Strange from Bonus Hero, which is why it looks like you pulled 2 of them)

    In actuality, only your Bonus Hero is a 3* Doctor Strange, and your initial comic pull is some other 3* character.
  • turbomoose
    turbomoose Posts: 777 Critical Contributor
    Ok thanks brigby and other mods, makes sense now icon_e_smile.gif
  • Griff009
    Griff009 Posts: 3
    Same. In one case, I got a different cover then it said I was getting, in 2 other cases, I seemed to get nothing despite it saying I was getting a bonus
  • Evilplayer
    Evilplayer Posts: 29 Just Dropped In
    Same for me, i picked d. Strange 3* as a favorite, the bonus screen said i got him. And in my reward there was a useless 3* cyclops...
  • TheAlphateam
    TheAlphateam Posts: 25 Just Dropped In
    I have 3* Blade as my favorite. Three times now I've gotten that bug where it shows me getting the same Blade cover twice and every time it's actually been green Rocket and Groot and green Blade. I've gotten other 3*'s, but when I get a bonus it's only those two.