Obtaining Hero Points

I've been playing this game for a month or two, yet I still struggle to gain any hero points to get new roster positions. Is there an efficient way to get them besides paying for it?


  • Arogntbastrd
    Arogntbastrd Posts: 1,009 Chairperson of the Boards
    Join s.h.i.e.l.d

    Joking aside, alliances are your best bet. They recently added them as daily rewards and as recruit token possibilities. Also prologue has them as rewards and progression and final standing rewards for pvp has them

    Your best bet is just put down 20 bucks to get enough hp to keep the covers you get. Most people recommend not spending hp on anything else until you have 25 to 30 slots
  • Definitely don't spend HP on anything other than roster slots as already said.

    The only other things i have ever spent HP are event shields that guarantee i will come out with more HP than the shield cost in the first place.

    Have a look through all of the Prologue node awards to make sure you have all of the HP awards available. There is a thread somewhere on the forum that tells you where they all are (too lazy to make the link myself)
  • NighteyesGrisu
    NighteyesGrisu Posts: 563 Critical Contributor
    I guess it became a lot harder for new guys to get HP since they removed the 500p progression reward in PVP. When I started, that was the main source of HP-Income for me, coupled with the occasional final reward from the PvP itself. And selling off 3* covers that I couldn't use due to roster slots :/

    If you haven't gotten all the HP from the prologue yet, I'd look there first (in PVP the top 2500 alliances get 50hp). If you got all those, your best chance would be to find an alliance as Arogntbastrd said
  • With current format after some of thier most recent changes...if you cannot compete at a 9pm PST time finish you are Linda SOL. The change from 500 to 900 for hp progression is pretty heavy handed and they have been actively cutting out hp rewards in other ways as well. Some of that has shifted to alliances, others have shifted to iso (one big example being the swap on hp for selling 3***+ to just being a trivial amount of extra iso) and some have just...disappeared. That said, make sure you are tanking lr (since they are awful for hp now) so you can place high enough for a 100 hp reward in the PvP basically every chance you get.

    Having a large order with active players is very helpful too as you can switch off carrying eachother so even when your mmr is too high or u are too busy you can still be getting hp.
  • Thanks for the replies, I'll definitely join an alliance and check for any that HP i missed in the prologue. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • sirlemsip wrote:
    Have a look through all of the Prologue node awards to make sure you have all of the HP awards available. There is a thread somewhere on the forum that tells you where they all are (too lazy to make the link myself)


    Got your back, bud! icon_e_biggrin.gif