No reason to spend CP when you dont have enough ISO

slidecage Posts: 3,402 Chairperson of the Boards
edited March 2017 in MPQ General Discussion
to cover 4 stars.. this is why it would been nice if you could champ at 13 covers instead of max level.. sitting on around 500 CP with no intent to open anytime soon cause i dont have enough ISO to jack up my 4s to max level


  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yeah, this is a problem I've had for a little while on a lower end, but once vaulting came in the realisation hit hard.

    I suddenly hit a point where I had three Star Lords, a Spider Woman and a Kate Bishop and each character was champable. Could I gain the 700,000 ISO in a fortnight? Probably not. I managed Star Lord, but now I have Kate and Spider Woman on the vine. Can't do both. I have just under 200k ISO and I'd need 500k to champ them both. Not going to happen within 10 days.

    So now I've just stopped opening legendaries. As much as I want to fill out Captain Marvel or Medusa or even Wasp now, I don't have the ISO for the 4*s I have *now* never mind new ones.

    I was already at the point where acquiring 4* covers wasn't much of an issue, I just needed ISO. Now it's worse than ever. Plus I sold some 2*s at max champ just to get the ISO I have now. I'll need to find ISO to rechamp them as well!
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    If champing everything is your point of transition sure.

    But if you don't have all of them fully covered, you totally can.
    Now that all of my characters close to champing are locked behind bonus heros

    v icon_e_confused.gif v I can open what i want i just don't want them, and I'm mainly aiming for the bonus so I can actually fully cover them.
  • Omega Red
    Omega Red Posts: 366 Mover and Shaker
    There's a time to save iso, and a time to open tokens. That's like, the whole point of this game, to build characters over time.
  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,791 Chairperson of the Boards
    My goal has always been to champ the considered best 12 and 3 more of my choice, everyone else goes to 120 to finish ddq. It's been damn hard sometimes when I have an unboosted week not to put another 350k into Thing or XFW but I everyone else up from my game tells me not to bother. I have to accept starting 18 months late I can't be like the Vets with them all champed and champing the new ones as they come in.

    It takes patience that's for sure, I had to sit on my hands not to champ XFW this week and then bang I got the yellow for 4thor from progression and the Red Starlord from Rocket and Groot PVE will finish them off. Then it's just stop opening tokens of any kind that might lead to a 4* until I have the resources. The ones I have left to do have been removed from Latests so I can happily open those.
  • Lopan15
    Lopan15 Posts: 225 Tile Toppler
    Yup. With the new vault I've been able to champ Gwenpool, been forced to champ Riri because of 2 extra covers, and now I have max covered Agent Venom, Mordo, and Carol. I have an extra AV cover but don't really want to champ him. I am also 1 cover from being able to champ Blade. I have 512 iso. Looks like have to sit on CP and LTs until I have enough iso to champ a couple of them which I'm not looking forward too. The other thing that sucks is that I sold my fully covered Mr. f when they rebalanced him to use the iso to champ cage because of 4 expiring covers. Now with him vaulted, god only knows when or if I will ever cover him again. If I had known that they were going to do this, I would have held on to him and let the covers expire since I would have a better chance of pulling cage covers now. I spent a decent pile of cash after the run of improvements but as always they inevitably take a step back so the wallet goes back in my pocket.
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,700 Chairperson of the Boards
    Omega Red wrote:
    There's a time to save iso, and a time to open tokens. That's like, the whole point of this game, to build characters over time.

    What Omega said.
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    Tony Foot wrote:
    My goal has always been to champ the considered best 12 and 3 more of my choice, everyone else goes to 120 to finish ddq. It's been damn hard sometimes when I have an unboosted week not to put another 350k into Thing or XFW but I everyone else up from my game tells me not to bother. I have to accept starting 18 months late I can't be like the Vets with them all champed and champing the new ones as they come in.

    It takes patience that's for sure, I had to sit on my hands not to champ XFW this week and then bang I got the yellow for 4thor from progression and the Red Starlord from Rocket and Groot PVE will finish them off. Then it's just stop opening tokens of any kind that might lead to a 4* until I have the resources. The ones I have left to do have been removed from Latests so I can happily open those.

    none of the 4's you listed will come from a token unless they are bonus heros.
  • Saeva
    Saeva Posts: 39 Just Dropped In
    I'm currently at the point in the game where -- between progression covers, progression CP, reward & sub-placement CP, placement covers, and Alliance CP -- I get approximately 1 4 star.png cover or 20CP per day on average. So I can pull the covers but I won't, until the new system settles, have enough ISO to Champ 4s as the covers come in. Eventually I'll reach the point where that's pretty straight-forward since I can get enough ISO to Champ a 4 in two weeks of play. Right now, I can't do that because I have none of the latest Champed.

    For me, right now, the solution is fairly clear. It's counter-intuitive, based on how we've been encouraged to handle Champing thus far, yes, but clear.

    I don't really want a Champed Blade, Agent Venom, or Power Man anymore than I wanted a Champed Thing (no longer a risk) or Champed Cho in the old system. I do (really, really) want a Champed Medusa, Carol, Peggy, and Coulson (among others).

    So, I'm going to sell the excess covers from the 4 star.pngs I don't want to Champ -- and don't need to Champ to play effectively when they're required -- in order to fund the Champing of the 4 star.pngs I really do want to Champ while I still have time to get Champ level covers for them.

    That'll help with both my ISO shortage and getting Medusa/Carol/etc. Champed in a timely manner. I'll no longer feel I'm wasting the covers for the 4s I don't want to Champ by selling them because I have a clear goal for that ISO -- like when I'd have to choose between Champing two 4s in the old system -- and can get enough Champ levels out of the 4s I do Champ to feel like I got my ISO/CP worth.

    The problems haven't really changed but the new way of handling them takes pressure off, IMO. If I were sitting on a hoard I'd pull them all, Champing the characters I want to and raising them as high as possible past 270 during the time they're still in the latest. I'd leave the characters I was never really going to use outside of their Essential nodes at 70/120 (for Crash). Doing this I wouldn't even lose out on LT Champ rewards since the new system makes it likely you hit the Champ level for the second LL token in a character you do want pretty high if you're regularly pulling LTs.

    Sure, I won't get the LT from Blade, in my scenario, but I probably will get a second LT Champ reward from Medusa. I lose nothing except for the pressure to Champ Them All. And that was a pressure I could do without.
  • jredd
    jredd Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    my goal was always 1000 cp and then open. now it's 3 mill iso then use whatever cp i have.

    hopefully they revert back to the old way and put everyone back into the classic tokens by then.
  • jgomes32
    jgomes32 Posts: 381 Mover and Shaker
    Iso is a huge problem. Double iso should be the new standard.

    I'm working on Gweenpool (3 covers, 4* champ #16) and if i'm lucky i can champ SL too (boss events=less iso). Then i'll probably hoard tokens/Cps and finish the remaining 6 3* i have left, but with so many 4* at 10-12 covers my 3* plan may have to be put on hold depending on upcoming Pve rewards.

    Hoard only goes so far for a top hybrid player. There's way more covers available than iso. It is impossible to catch up, which is why my answer is always 0 on that stupid survey. You'd have to be crazy to start playing today.
  • Evilgenius_9
    Evilgenius_9 Posts: 132 Tile Toppler
    This was my steategy even before they implemented bonus heroes.