Can You Top This? Sheer MPQ Stupidity

astrp3 Posts: 367 Mover and Shaker
edited March 2017 in MPQ General Discussion
I was going to post this in the Worst Moments of the Day thread, but it happened a while ago (plus, I think it's kind of special).

A couple of months back, I pulled off what may just be the greatest example of sheer MPQ stupidity ever (in my defense, not that it is much of a defense, I had only been playing a couple of months at the time).

I was playing in a PvP and my goal was a top-50 finish and two very-much-needed 3* covers.As was my practices then (and now), I played casually until the 8 hour mark nd then made a final push and put on an 8-hour shield. Mistake #1: I actually started just before the 8-hour mark (I think my rookie fear was that a bunch of people would join at the 8-hour mark and start to pummel me). So I get to the 8-hour mark and I am around 30th place and a few points from the token reward at 650 (I think I was playing at level 6 back then, but it may have been 7). "Great" I think "I'll just fight one quick fight, get to 650, and slap on an 8-hour shield?" Easy, peasy, lemon squeezy, right? I fight my fight, slap on my shield, and grin with satisfaction. Problem #1: the fight actually put me at 648 points, not 650, so no token for me (I think it was because my opponent lost points between the time I queued him and the time I won [remember that rookie thing] but I may have just miscalculated).

But wait, it gets worse. Not only did I not get to 650, but there are actually 8 hours and 7 minutes left in the event, not 8 hours.

But wait, it gets worse. I'm sure I'll get clobbered in the last seven minutes, so if I want to hold position I'll have to get up before the slice ends (at 7 AM!!!) and re-shield. I think about just blowing it off and hoping for the best. Nope. I end up getting up about 2-to-1.5 hours before the event ends, unable to sleep. I see that I have fallen to around 45th place (Yes, it's like 5 AM on a work day and I'm playing MPQ). Uh Oh. Looks like I need to get a few cushion points. I find a nice juicy, high-point queue that I'm sure I can win, unshield and attack. You guessed it. I lost. Now I have to fight another fight. I win this one, but you guessed it, I get attacked 4 more times while I do. I gamely fight a couple of more fights before I realize the situation is hopeless and give up. Sadly, to keep my score for the season total, I still have spring for a 3-hour shield.

But wait, it gets worse.

The final kicker is that the score I had when I broke my 8-hour shield would have landed me in 50th place, so if I'd just immediately re-shielded, I would have made it.
The one bright note is that after I shielded at 648, someone attacked me and I won, giving me the two points I needed to get the token reward (love when that happens).

So can anyone top me for the MPQ stupidity award?


  • astrp3
    astrp3 Posts: 367 Mover and Shaker
    edited March 2017
    Oh and since I'm fessing up here, I may as well admit that I once did something even stupider: in my first week of playing, I actually spent money for ISO.

    Ah, it feels good to get that off my chest.
  • ZommyGD
    ZommyGD Posts: 79 Match Maker
    It's been more than two years ago, when 3* Deadpool was just released.
    I was a two-star player struggling to make top 100 in PvP.
    I wanted to perform well in Deadpool's PvP event, so I bought an extra cover, with precious Hero Points, for my TWO-COVER Merc with a Mouth.
    And of course I didn't make top 100.
    STOPTHIS Posts: 781 Critical Contributor
    I remember there was a thread about rookie mistakes haha.

    When I first started out, I was enraptured by this golden thing called a Heroic token, that had a chance for one of the only two 4* in the game, Xverine and Invisible Woman. I was so confident that I would somehow trigger the tiny percentage of getting one of them, that I spent my hard-earned 250HP on it

    Of course, I got a star.pngstar.pngicon_captainamerica.png

    I feel you. I did something similar hoping to pull Black Panther as my 1/0/0 BP was decent help in the 1* to early 2* phase and I like the character. Tried twice and I want to say both were Daken, who I hadn't rostered yet. Little did I know BP was vaulted at the time, so I wouldn't have had a shot anyway.

    Worse part is I would eventually sell off my 1/0/0 BP to make room for a non-vaulted character, which I wouldn't have had to do if I kept that HP.
  • SummerGlau
    SummerGlau Posts: 1,027 Chairperson of the Boards
    i've done a lot of stupid things, but won't go into details
  • Mechahamster
    Mechahamster Posts: 237 Tile Toppler
    Mistake 1, I started on steam and sticked to the format.
    Mistake 2, when I started, I bought a starter pack. One of those that contains a pitiful amount of Iso

  • Chrono_Tata
    Chrono_Tata Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    My worst MPQ mistake was definitely signing up to the forums. ;^(
  • acescracked
    acescracked Posts: 1,197 Chairperson of the Boards
    i've done a lot of stupid things, but won't go into details

    Well Darnit! Now I'll have to wonder for years about the details of the gif'ers stupid things.
  • JablesMc
    JablesMc Posts: 235 Tile Toppler
    astrp3 wrote:
    Oh and since I'm fessing up here, I may as well admit that I once did something even stupider: in my first week of playing, I actually spent money for ISO.

    Ah, it feels good to get that off my chest.
    The truth will set you free...
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    My stupidity was recent. During the Howard PVP, my plan was to play until there was 8 hrs remaining and buy an 8 hour shield. I woke up early to go to the bathroom, I figured I would check to see my ranking before the event ends in 20mins. To my surprise I saw I was attacked for -250! Wait what? How? Well stupid me bought a 3hr shield instead of an 8hr! I frantically played as many matches as I could and I managed to go from 575 to 789 before it ended. This was during when I was trying to maintain #1 in PVP season: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=58733
  • Evilgenius_9
    Evilgenius_9 Posts: 132 Tile Toppler
    I sold a fully covered SheHulk at around level 130 because I didn't like her and needed a slot for some new 4*. Admittedly before champing, but it would have been better to keep her.
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    A year and a half later and I still do the following:

    - Use +all boosts to beat a tough match
    - Forget and blow through additional boosts for the next three matches in a row because I'm so used to blowing right by the TU selection
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    I gotta good one. Last year, I quit playing MPQ during the entire summer; when I came back in September, I started collecting all the new 4*s I missed, but needed roster slots for them. Instead of buying HP for slots, I just decided to sell the 3*s that I never used (even though they were fully covered around level 130), like Sentry, Falcon, Vision and IM40. Soon after, I discovered that they improved IM40 during the summer and he had become one of the best in the tier! Aargghhh.

    Around October I realized it's best to champ everyone, so I restarted Sentry, Vision, Falcon, IM40 and added Quicksilver, Ragnarok, Squirrel Girl and Doc Ock. I'm still paying for that mistake, but soon I will have all 3*s champed; but man!, I've spent so much ISO on them when all I wanted to do is focus on the 4* tier. At least now I'm enjoying the benefits of IM40, but he's at level 185 when other people have him around level 220. So, for the past 5 months I've been building up my 3* and 4* tier simultaneously, champing 8 x 4*s and 12 x 3*s. Falcon is the last to champ in about a week or so, and then I can try to forget about the mistake I made.

    I still refuse to roster Devil Dino and Howard the Duck though.
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    I got one more. Back when they introduced OML, I ended up getting a red and black cover, but since it was so hard to get Legendary tokens and the odds of fully covering him were so small, I decided to sell the covers instead of buying HP to roster him. About a week later, I got his yellow cover and decided that I should roster him after all. Since then, I've only gotten 1 more yellow cover and he may sit at 0/2/0 forever.
  • fanghoul
    fanghoul Posts: 311 Mover and Shaker
    Phew, I have a similar story to the OP on trying to get 2 Dr. Octopus covers. It sucked, and wasn't worth it.

    Really, the one thing I want to confess to is spending about 250,000 Iso-8 on standard tokens one day.

    I had a big surplus of Iso-8 at the time and was super depressed, so I just started opening them and didn't stop because it was like a tiny glimmer of happiness to get lucky.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    Jarvind wrote:
    A year and a half later and I still do the following:

    - Use +all boosts to beat a tough match
    - Forget and blow through additional boosts for the next three matches in a row because I'm so used to blowing right by the TU selection

    I do that too.. it's so annoying I just stopped using boosts, except for Crash of the Titans.

    The other one I blow right by that is annoying is using a healthpack on a character I didn't want to heal because I was not paying attention. If you click "FIGHT!" while someone is downed, they automatically get healed with a healthpack... Daken doesn't need it! He'll be fine in 30mins!
  • Skrofa
    Skrofa Posts: 388 Mover and Shaker
    Well... Let's see.
    Early on in the game i used to open every token I got which lead to selling a lot of covers for lack of hp to roster them.
    Early on in the game I sold a 5-6 covered lazy thor thinking "well, my 2* is champed anyway!!". The worst part? I sold him to make room for a two star.
    I am also one of the people who bought a token for 100 hp.
    I am sure there are a lot more stupid things I've done but hadn't realised how stupid they were at the time
  • Smudge
    Smudge Posts: 562 Critical Contributor
    Jarvind wrote:
    A year and a half later and I still do the following:

    - Use +all boosts to beat a tough match
    - Forget and blow through additional boosts for the next three matches in a row because I'm so used to blowing right by the TU selection

    I do that too.. it's so annoying I just stopped using boosts, except for Crash of the Titans.
    Me too, only I don't hardly even use boosts in CotT now either (strategy and character level make much more of a difference now that I've played all of them 3-4 cycles - if I'm short on covers/levels I usually just skip that Crash).

    I've burned more AP/damage boosts unintentionally on matches right after CotT than I've used intentionally in any other part of the game, and I'm over day 1070 of play now...
  • HxiiiK
    HxiiiK Posts: 195 Tile Toppler
    I started wayyyy back when MPQ was still the new kid on the block, and being the naive newbie that I was...

    Remember when you could spend 50hp to buy either star.png Hawkeye or Black Widow? Guess who got a brand new Hawkeye once he saw some HP rolling in
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    When I first started, I bought a cover for 1 star Iron Man with the HP given to me.
  • SkadenFrudee
    SkadenFrudee Posts: 112 Tile Toppler
    I've spent well over 300k on standard tokens in the last three months (I am at day 145 currently). I kept telling myself that it was less than the cost to champ a 4*. Of course I didn't actually have any 4*s to champ (nor did I know what that cost was), and my 3*s weren't ready, so I was swimming in ISO. Then my roster matured, like all 2*s do eventually.

    Oh, and I blew 100k leveling 3* Torch the day bonus heroes kicked in. Now Lstorm, BP, 3* carol and 3clops will have their 14th covers die on the vine.