Gold Hawkeye Idea

If the Gold Character trend continues, I would at least like to request the 3* version of Hawkeye to take on his Ronin days. Ability effects can stay (of course with the tweak/tweaks added), just have to rename his red and blue from "Shots" to "Strikes", and give him his Ronin outfit.


  • I think Thor, Captain America, and Daken were the only ones in the batch to get a gold version, but I'm not really sure.
  • GT-47LM wrote:
    I think Thor, Captain America, and Daken were the only ones in the batch to get a gold version, but I'm not really sure.

    Well, even if true, I still think Clint as Ronin would make an appropriate 3* version for him, as Ronin was a part of the Dark Reign storyline during that time.
  • I am all for new character suggestions, but why request "Gold" which is a slightly rebalanced upgrade to an existing character. Ronin would be cool, but I would in no way want a Gold Hawkeye of either version. Brand new 3* cool that would work but please no cookie cutter of him icon_e_smile.gif
  • GumisK
    GumisK Posts: 372 Mover and Shaker
    My idea for the next Gold character is not to release it anytime soon. Or never. Never would work fine, too.
  • Ronin would be sweet! I was actually surprised that thye went with M Hawkeye as Clint was Ronin throughout the Dark Reign story.