VIP bonus prompting video

wvblueandgold Posts: 9 Just Dropped In
My VIP status is active but when the bonus reward comes up, I have to watch the video now instead of just getting the bonus. Then, when I do watch the video, I only get the actual bonus reward about half of the time.


  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    From what I understand, shield intercept "short-cutting" is triggered by having made a purchase of any kind in the past N days, not by being a VIP (although purchasing VIP does count as a single purchase). I believe there is a window where you can still have VIP days remaining but haven't made a purchase recently enough and thus must watch the ads to get the shield intercepts. This window is rather small if you play every day 2-3 days or something) but can be arbitrarily long if you don't play much (VIP counts down only for every day you actually play, while the shield intercept ads only care how many real days it's been since you made a purchase

    That being said, I have seen reports of people who claim that they have to watch the ads even though they purchased VIP only 3 real days ago or whatever, so I guess if that's the case for you, you should open a customer support ticket.
  • wvblueandgold
    wvblueandgold Posts: 9 Just Dropped In
    I've started a ticket. Most of the time I don't even get the actual bonus reward. I click the button to watch the stupid video and the app just goes back to the main screen. I've missed out on about 15-20 bonus rewards over the past couple of days.