More uses for ISO-8

RedMage13 Posts: 8 Just Dropped In
First I want to note that I went and made a brand new account JUST to make this suggestion, so hopefully it gets a serious look and some consideration.

I'm not sure how everyone else's game experience has been, but for me, I have not had an issue acquiring ISO-8 since the beginning stages of playing. In fact, Hero Points are far and away the most limiting currency because I never seem to have enough open hero roster spots. At one point, I had over 1 Million ISO. I spent around 2 hours just buying Standard hero packs back-to-back to burn off the ISO and potentially get some 3 star covers.

The problem now is that you removed the only method we had of burning extra ISO. Its now going to become basically useless to me. A vast majority of the mission rewards and tier rewards are ISO. Most of the Champion rewards are also ISO. Thousands and thousands of ISO which will just sit in my bank doing nothing. So if I finish a mission and the reward is just ISO-8 then it is basically like not getting any reward at all for me. It makes everything seem more grind-y when you're just trying to place in the rewards tier and mission after mission is essentially giving you "nothing".

I know that sounds like a lot of whining, but all I'm asking is one of two things:

a) Add some way to burn ISO-8 that makes it useful. Perhaps something crazy like a Million ISO can buy a 4 star cover maybe? Anything is better than nothing.

b) Balance the rewards so we get other items more often, like Standard Tokens for example, instead of more ISO? This won't help as much due to the odds of a useless cover being granted via the token...then sold for more ISO.

I always have way too much ISO-8. Please give me something to do with my ISO-8.


  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    This will all change when you're trying to champion multiple 4*s per week.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    mpqr7 wrote:
    This will all change when you're trying to champion multiple 4*s per week.
    Yes. As it stands, in order to keep up with the release Schedule, you need to earn around 30,000 ISO each day and need to have at least 4 million ISO stored up Before opening your stockpiled Legendary tokens.
    If you still have excess ISO after that, I guess you are in good shape for the next time you repeat the experience.
  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,580 Chairperson of the Boards
    RedMage13 wrote:
    I always have way too much ISO-8. Please give me something to do with my ISO-8.

    This will change over time, just be grateful that you can save it up now and do so for when you will inevitably run out once your roster has developed further.
  • veny
    veny Posts: 834 Critical Contributor
    Million ISO = 2 000 standart tokens. Considering the amount of 2*s and 3*s, i think you could get some 4* from promoting 2 and 3*s icon_e_biggrin.gif
    Which reminds me - why cant we open/buy standarts in bulk? Like 10 or 40 at once.
  • stochasticism
    stochasticism Posts: 1,181 Chairperson of the Boards
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    mexus wrote:
    I regret spending 10.000 ISO-8 on Standard Tokens some months back before I started leveling my 3*s up.
    Not, 10.000 isn't that much really, but as for now when I need exactly another 10.000 to champ Deadpool I keep thinking of those 10.000 I spent on tinykitty covers. I would succumb if i had spent 2 million ISO-8 on tinykitty.

    I probably spent close to a million ISO on standard tokens. I did get quite a few 3* covers I really needed and I'm not really ISO-starved right now at the rate I get 4* covers so I don't really regret it. I suspect in the long run I could probably have come out as well as I am now, plus that extra million ISO, but there's no way to tell now. And that million ISO would only get me 3 fully-leveled 4*s, so in the long run... probably a wash.

    That said, yeah there's no need for any more ISO sinks. You'll need more ISO than you can imagine soon enough.
  • ErikPeter
    ErikPeter Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    RedMage13 wrote:
    I always have way too much ISO-8. Please give me something to do with my ISO-8.

    So, the thing is, once you advance a little more, you'll get to a point where you have way too many characters to level up and not enough ISO to go around. I GUARANTEE IT. Buying tokens seems like fun but leaves you with lots of 2-star covers and a huge loss of ISO. Removing the standard token buy eliminated a terrible trap in the design of the game, which caused many players to stagnate right when their rosters should progress faster.

    A 4-star character costs nearly 400k to level, and there are over 40 of them! I'm sorry, but unless you're sitting on 16 million Iso, your concerns are quaint and misguided.

    I agree that new rosters reaching a point of "I have lots of ISO with nothing to spend it on" is also a flaw in the game design, but the solution for that is to make it easier to gain 3-star covers and roster slots; not by re-introducing a flawed resource sink.