Crash of the Titans Cycle 4: kingpin

BlackWidower Posts: 250 Mover and Shaker
this was so simple, left with over 8 grand worth of health point

my level 250 5/2/5 against level 270 Cage

Match yellow, the only thing he can do damage on you. The AI will never run the black properly so even if it does fire, you're still ok. And then pick up purple so you can get more yellow and deny more yellow.

Luke does not stand a change and there is no need to boost if you have anywhere decent of a build.

Got yellowflag.png Agent Venom


  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Cycle 4, innit?

    My 2/5/5 Level 152 needed 3 tries because I was focusing on trying to set up the Proctologist of Doom.

    Third try I just cast two uses of yellow, protected the tiles, and Luke succumbed.

    Agent Venom redflag.png from the token.
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    3/4/3, 209. First try, though I was down to less than 2K health thanks to eating a few Jabs. Fortunately Luke never got his Cross off.

    I drew, appropriately enough, icon_lukecage.pngblackflag.png
  • Black Duke
    Black Duke Posts: 694 Critical Contributor
    Easy win for my 5/3/5 (level 276) KP! I focused on collecting black & purple, used purple to fuel my yellow, sent out my Maggia goons and poked Luke Cage 3x times in a row - game over for him.

    LT is stockpiled.
  • rocks52
    rocks52 Posts: 232 Tile Toppler
    first try with a 1/1/5 lv 156 kingpin, he beat me with 23 health left. was able to get a jab in on his last ditch effort then the match finished me off. second try, beat him easily with a few thousands health left. got off yellow twice and only 1 or 2 CD tiles got matched away the whole fight, plus was able to poke him a few times for extra damage.

    3rd blackflag.png for agent venom for my troubles
  • Skrofa
    Skrofa Posts: 388 Mover and Shaker
    Loads of attempts with my 147level 3/2/2 but finally downed mister unbreakable with a bunch of lucky cascades that gave me enough yellow and black to fire off a bunch of powers consecutively.

    Yellow peggy to put her at 4/2/2 but still no BH. I think everyone else is stealing my guys!!
  • SirLanik
    SirLanik Posts: 345 Mover and Shaker
    My 1/2/3 Kingpin is really struggling. At level 131 my black only does 1100, and I only get one strike tile if my countdown lasts. (And even with two strike tiles, my matches still only do 1 damage.)
    Really don't think I can pull this off without more black covers.
  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,168 Chairperson of the Boards
    I wasn't sure how this would go, as it was tough last time even with a champed Kingpin. I used +2 Yellow, +2 purple, and +2 all. It was not needed at all. My first turn had a mach 5 purple, followed by a match 5 yellow. Create more yellow, and first turn LVL 5 Maggia Pawns. A couple of turns later I had enough yellow for a second one, and it ended quickly even with him matching a few tiles. I got a blackflag.pngicon_blackpanther.png bringing him up to 2/0/2. About the only disappointment in this match was not getting a bonus 5-star cover afterwards. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Alfje17
    Alfje17 Posts: 3,968 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just thought I'd give it a try with my Lv168 3/3/5 Kingpin, so didn't add boosts and was actually surprised to beat Cage right away. Control yellowtile.png and blacktile.png and he doesn't stand a chance!

    token_legendary.png was a greenflag.pngicon_moonknight.png
  • BlackWidower
    BlackWidower Posts: 250 Mover and Shaker
    DFiPL wrote:
    Cycle 4, innit?

    Not sure, but I will change it if I can. Thank you.
  • Spidurman27
    Spidurman27 Posts: 184 Tile Toppler
    3-2-4 lvl 147 went 0-2, could tell health was an issue, so dumped iso in to 170 (meant to put a little less in, button went fast lol).

    Won easily first match back.


    Eta: all about controlling black, which isn't hard since it's my target color too
  • mckauhu
    mckauhu Posts: 740 Critical Contributor
    lvl 200 Kingpin did this with the first try without problems. Collected some black, fired 1 yellowtile.png and poked Cage to death.
  • Sluggo
    Sluggo Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    Last time: my Kingpin was 111 2/2/1 and never got close.

    This time: My champed Kingpin still lost his first attempt, due to a hilarious series of cascades for the AI at the start, which led to Cage firing off abilities almost every turn. The second attempt wasn't much better, except I was able to stock up 12 black and fire it 2x in succession for 10k at the end for the win.

    Reward: blackflag.pngicon_venom.png Agent Venom, now 2/5/4.
  • royalflush95
    royalflush95 Posts: 49 Just Dropped In
    SirLanik wrote:
    My 1/2/3 Kingpin is really struggling. At level 131 my black only does 1100, and I only get one strike tile if my countdown lasts. (And even with two strike tiles, my matches still only do 1 damage.)
    Really don't think I can pull this off without more black covers.
    Did you finally beat Luke? Though it took me 4 tries, I did it with a Lv. 131 Kingpin 1/3/2. I used boosts +100% match damage, +2 all and +2 b/g.
    Reward: token_legendary.pngicon_blackpanther.pngredflag.png first cover.
  • Xzasxz
    Xzasxz Posts: 124 Tile Toppler
    0/4/4 lvl 140 with no boosts - second try. Denying black and yellow is obvious strtategy. Choosing proper moments to fir "The Fisk Defense" and "Maggia Pawns" was a key to the victory.
    Rewarded with blueflag.pngicon_peggycarter.png, that goes to trash as it is of course the only colour fully covered (3/3/5).
  • Dartmaster01
    Dartmaster01 Posts: 634 Critical Contributor
    Level 100 5/3/5 KP beat it 2nd try using 2 Y/R and 2 G/B boosts. I probably could have beat it at level 70 but I didn't want to use a lot of healthpacks.
  • thechairman
    thechairman Posts: 123 Tile Toppler
    1/4/3 Had a miserable time, even after leveling to 172. After probably two dozen tries, finally hoarded the yellow/black for a massive burst after he matched away the protect tile to take him down about 60%. Still needed another double drop of thug tiles to finish him off within one jab of defeat.

    redflag.pngicon_blackpanther.pngtoken_legendary.png with a yellowflag.pngicon_wolverine.pngtoken_legendary.png Bonus

    Definitely worth the time and health packs.
  • icarusmonkey
    icarusmonkey Posts: 12 Just Dropped In
    Going to have to give up on this one - my 0/2/2 level 106 Kingpin just isn't able to hit hard enough. After 10+ defeats, the lowest I ever got him was around 8K health. The saddest thing is that he may never be high enough level for this since he's vaulted and I probably won't ever favorite him.

    Question though, as I'm a long time lurker and a first time poster: Why do people on the forum post who they get when they win a LT? Is someone, somewhere keeping track? Or is it just for the fun of sharing?
  • bigsmooth
    bigsmooth Posts: 375 Mover and Shaker
    Question though, as I'm a long time lurker and a first time poster: Why do people on the forum post who they get when they win a LT? Is someone, somewhere keeping track? Or is it just for the fun of sharing?
    It's just for fun. It's particularly nice to see when someone wins a tough battle and gets something good out of it.

    I won this Crash on the first try (unboosted) with my 5/2/5 lv 130 KP. Luckily I have enough covers to hit relatively hard and also keep Cage from firing his yellow.
  • BlackWidower
    BlackWidower Posts: 250 Mover and Shaker
    Question though, as I'm a long time lurker and a first time poster: Why do people on the forum post who they get when they win a LT? Is someone, somewhere keeping track? Or is it just for the fun of sharing?

    It's mostly just for fun. Sometimes it's because you're happy that you got something you really wanted. Other times it's because you grinded away at this 17 times and you ended up with a really **** cover.
  • SirLanik
    SirLanik Posts: 345 Mover and Shaker
    SirLanik wrote:
    My 1/2/3 Kingpin is really struggling. At level 131 my black only does 1100, and I only get one strike tile if my countdown lasts. (And even with two strike tiles, my matches still only do 1 damage.)
    Really don't think I can pull this off without more black covers.

    My alliance mate recommended I try saving up for a turn when Luke matched away his own protect tile, and sure enough 4 tries later i got it done. Only had 500 hp, but a win is a win.