Re-order 4* cover listings (tokens page)

MarkersMake Posts: 392 Mover and Shaker
The list of 4* characters currently available via legendary tokens (classic or latest) is alphabetized, which is nice, but not terribly useful.

Since the addition of a new 4* character will result in the oldest character being bumped off the list, it would be much more useful if the characters were sorted chronologically instead (newest first).


That would make it easier to see who was going to be removed from tokens next, and (approximately) how long the other characters might be available.


  • therightwaye
    therightwaye Posts: 459 Mover and Shaker
    yes! double yes!
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Even better would be some sort of timer you could see by tapping the covers in the display, telling you how long at minimum that cover will remain in the pool. Not instead of, but in addition to the OP's suggestion. Or, failing that, an in-game notification of upcoming changes to the Heroic and Legendary token contents.