For the Hoarde!

Uthgarprime Posts: 202 Tile Toppler
edited March 2017 in MPQ General Discussion
Yes that is intentionally spelled wrong and capitalized.
I have been thinking about this vaulting thing for a couple of days. Unless a new game breaking feature (pun intended) is added soon, I think hoarding is the only way to go now. I got some lucky draws and was able to champion Moonknight, but my Kate Bishop is only 2/2/2, so I don't really want to pull anything til they leave. Even if I had the ISO I probably won't want to turn in tokens for the next few seasons because I won't have enough pulls to cover max anyone character before they leave the vault. So if I really want to make the most of the adventure I would need to horde ISO and LT pulls until I have enough to cover everyone and champion them. Otherwise I will probably never catch up cover wise as the characters leave to the vault. If I save 350 or 400 pulls and about 6 million ISO I can go crazy and pull. Then I would have the ISO and covers to make the champion function worth while. I play this game right now for the sole function of championing, I like the collecting and championing rewards. I have Ant-man, Thing and Wolverine cover maxed, but there is no reason to champion them because I will maybe see 1 or 2 covers in the next year. I might as well save that ISO and cover someone I will have many covers for.
Just for context, I am mostly pve top 100 and max progression. PVP I usually hit at least 575 and whatever place that happens to put me in. My non standard work schedule makes trying for top 10 or sometimes 50 just too hard.