266 and stop system I came up with. Am I missing a flaw?

Santore Posts: 10 Just Dropped In
edited March 2017 in MPQ General Discussion
O.k. first this is PURELY 100% for PvE. This does not include PvP. Also I am very sick when came up with this system, and still am. So tell me where is my flaw if there is one.

I am a collector. I on purpose have not got into the 4/5 star game as I wanted to finish my 3 star champions. This change made me know my idea of fully covering 4 stars isn't going to happen so what now? I am pretty disgruntle about the change but I would figure something out. So came up with...

It's 266 stop system.

The idea is. All 3 star, 4 star, 5 star characters never level past level 266. To do so is pointless. Optimal playing in PvE with scaling we have in place now would be to take every character to 266. Stop leveling them. Cover them as you want with time as the covers come in.

Basically with only a pull of 20 characters in 3 star draws it is now easier (though still bit long) to flip those characters like we currently do 2 stars. Now this isn't something one has to do in the system but it would be a means of getting extra 20 different extra 4 star covers. You would only begin flipping the 20 3 stars if you had a strong enough roster to carry you through events with ease.

The 4 stars we take to 266 and stop. Don't level them past that. Their strength will remain the same due to scaling.

Then we come to 5 stars. Again works just as it would in the 4 stars. Level them to 266, wait on the covers you want. Don't worry about leveling them anymore. Just play them.

Nodes would become easier as your 4/5 star team grows. ISO cost would drop since you would not be spending hardly anything on 5 stars. Covers of 4/5 star characters at 266 would literally be sold for ISO. Progression in a sense would still be there (though I know it would kill your PvP game) but in optimal playing this 266/stop system far as I can tell would be the gold standard for optimal PvE playing if one had not already had 4/5 star team built past 266.

The optimization of 4/5 star team is in the system just without ISO cost of 5 stars.

Where am I wrong? Only flaws I can see 1. Might not be fun for some 2. It's not the way they intend us to play. 3. It kills PvP.


  • deadtaco
    deadtaco Posts: 409 Mover and Shaker
    I could see it being fun to try. Although 266 5* is just adding 11 levels, not sure that is going to do much more than just leaving them at 255. Might help scaling a tad to just leave them.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Santore wrote:
    The idea is. All 3 star, 4 star, 5 star characters never level past level 266. To do so is pointless. Optimal playing in PvE with scaling we have in place now would be to take every character to 266. Stop leveling them. Cover them as you want with time as the covers come in.

    Well, the community video from a few days ago mentioned that they're going to be tying scaling to SCL at some point in the nearish future, rather than to your roster as we've seen heretofore. So we don't actually know what that will look like yet - it may be that playing at SCL8 (or 9 or 10 when those days come) with a softcapped 266 would materially harm you.

    Short term, your idea may be one way to fly for those who haven't already gone past 266 with their 4's and 5's, but longer term you might want to make sure to have the ISO on hand to boost those cats whenever scaling gets tied to SCLs.
  • DesertTortoise
    DesertTortoise Posts: 392 Mover and Shaker
    Pretty fun theorycrafting. I have a hypothesis:

    I think to optimize it further you'd want to level the 3-stars and 4-stars to a place where they're the exact same level boosted then you would want to level your 5-stars to the level where the non-essential boosted characters are at. Your scaling is based on your roster after boosts, not before it, so this would be the best way of using boosts to get what you're looking for.

    For example, if an essential 3-star at level 266 is boosted to 370 you'd want to find the level an essential 4-star is boosted to 370 (let's say 250). So now all of your 3-stars are 266 and 4-stars are 250. Now let's say your boosted non-essential 4-stars are boosted from 250 to 360. You'd want your 5-stars to all be 360 since they'll never be boosted and their levels will be in line with your boosted 4-stars. That way you're only scaling against those two 370s and the rest are below that (until it's their turn to be essentials).
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    Soft-capping for PvE isn't a new idea. I haven't done it. That said, I've also not leveled my 5*'s above my 4*'s (though I do intend to when I have three or four fully covered, as I finish off the 4*'s I'm working on, and as ISO allows. I'm a ways from that point). As you said, it will do you no favors in PvP. So, if you want to ignore a big part of the game, have at it.

    I might suggest that you do at least go to 270 though. The ability to respec characters at will can be worth it, even despite champing ISO costs. And there wouldn't be any appreciable difference in the scaling just going up four levels.
  • Santore
    Santore Posts: 10 Just Dropped In
    Pretty fun theorycrafting. I have a hypothesis:

    I think to optimize it further you'd want to level the 3-stars and 4-stars to a place where they're the exact same level boosted then you would want to level your 5-stars to the level where the non-essential boosted characters are at. Your scaling is based on your roster after boosts, not before it, so this would be the best way of using boosts to get what you're looking for.

    For example, if an essential 3-star at level 266 is boosted to 370 you'd want to find the level an essential 4-star is boosted to 370 (let's say 250). So now all of your 3-stars are 266 and 4-stars are 250. Now let's say your boosted non-essential 4-stars are boosted from 250 to 360. You'd want your 5-stars to all be 360 since they'll never be boosted and their levels will be in line with your boosted 4-stars. That way you're only scaling against those two 370s and the rest are below that (until it's their turn to be essentials).

    Yes your absolutely correct. That would be proper pure optimization. I honestly don't know the numbers a 4 star/5 star should be at to hit "370".

    Anyone have those numbers? If so I actually do plan on running with this system.
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yeah, this is just softcapping. Pretty standard practice.

    Also, 5*s at level 266 are weak as hell.
  • Fightmastermpq
    Fightmastermpq Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    Friends don't let friends softcap.
  • Santore
    Santore Posts: 10 Just Dropped In
    I know this is soft capping but this defeats a problem with our new system.

    People who wanted to play/collect pretty much all characters had that took from them. Fair enough, but by soft capping that can still be done with this system in reasonable time. Simply by just not leveling anything past 266.

    It makes it possible to collect/play top 10 out of current vault characters in much more reasonable time than the system they have given to us (Which would be years upon years to max champion with system they have given us)
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Soft-capping a 4* at 266 probably isn't a good idea. They champ out at 270 (only a 4 level difference) so you're still talking about a significant ISO investment to get them to 266 and then you're not getting any returns on that investment because you're denying yourself champ rewards.

    Scaling shouldn't scare anyone at the 3*/4* tier unless they're dropping a bunch if ISO into 5-stars too early and throwing things out of whack.
  • Santore
    Santore Posts: 10 Just Dropped In
    Dormammu wrote:
    Soft-capping a 4* at 266 probably isn't a good idea. They champ out at 270 (only a 4 level difference) so you're still talking about a significant ISO investment to get them to 266 and then you're not getting any returns on that investment because you're denying yourself champ rewards.

    Scaling shouldn't scare anyone at the 3*/4* tier unless they're dropping a bunch if ISO into 5-stars too early and throwing things out of whack.

    I'm honestly not posting any repose to this to debate it's me trying to figure out the flaws.

    Think of it as an alternative way to play than what the Dev team has handed to us. For those who may want to play out of vault characters at strength levels without waiting 20+ months to cover just fully cover "one" of them.

    Basically 266 (or 270 for LT) would be the "end of the line" for a character. Take Red Hulk. Red Hulk would at that point be as powerful in my system at 266 with two other 266s as if they were champion level 350 with two other characters championed to 350 in the devs system. In PvE it would be exactly the same. The carrot on the stick ends faster with same results. My system would just be much much faster with more characters to play at the end of the day.

    I think real flaw would be though when they did change scaling. God only knows what would happen.
  • Copps
    Copps Posts: 333 Mover and Shaker
    The sheer amount of wasted resources from not getting anyone in the four star tier champed and throwing away any new covers after you already got them to within 25k ISO of champing makes me cringe. My highest four star champs are 284 and my three star Thor who is at 245 and was boosted in his featured pvp to ~370 or so does compete moderately with a boosted four star for hp but his damage is pretty much half what a boosted four does. The four star tier scales much better with boosted levels than the three star tier to the point where your 266 threes will mostly be used for utility while whichever four you have boosted does the heavy lifting.
  • Pongie
    Pongie Posts: 1,411 Chairperson of the Boards
    Agreed that soft capping at that level doesn't make sense. You're 4 levels away from 4* champion with so many benefits. Unlocks champion levels, respec, no wasted covers. If you're at the point where your 3* champions have maxed out at 266, the natural progress would be to also champion your 4*.

    Soft capping should be much lower. Somewhere between 166-200. That's where the majority of 3* or 4* transitioners are at. Also means they can keep the 5* they pull at 255. As that is around the boosted mark of 3* and 4*. Anything lower and you can't roster 5* without it having a detrimental effect on scaling.