"Old" 4-stars with 12 covers, and question about new players

sambrookjm Posts: 2,157 Chairperson of the Boards
edited March 2017 in MPQ General Discussion
My roster has two 4-stars that are no longer in the token rotation thanks to the new "vault" method of allocating four stars. I have FalCap, who is at 5/5/2 and Carnage who is at 3/4/5. I'm currently using all of my ISO to get Drax up to champ level, as I got my 13th cover for him a couple of weeks ago.

Currently, Peggy (at 3/3/3 in my roster) is my only four-star favorite. If I put Carnage and FalCap down as favorite four-stars, are the Bonus covers guaranteed to be ones that I can use, or can the bonus cover be one that is essentially a 1000 ISO coupon? Or am I better off spending the 120 CP for the 5th cover and champing them the super-expensive way? I got a bonus cover for my 3-star (yay!) but Dr Strange is already champed, so I can use any cover for him. I'm glad I got Iceman, RHulk and Hulkbuster champed before their tokens disappeared from the vault.

Second question - My son, who just started a month or so ago, has several old 4-stars at one cover. I told him he should probably sell three of them (Cyclops, Winter Soldier and Star Lord - all of them are 1/0/0 with their red abilities) since they're not going to be usable for a very, very long time but keep Hulkbuster (his favorite character), Moon Knight and Peggy (they're still token eligible). Any thoughts on the matter? He's already sold off several two-star covers because of a lack of Hero Points. I know that Cyclops and Star Lord are very good 4-star characters, but the odds of him getting a usable number of covers for them is now essentially nil.


  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't Think you are guaranteed to get a useable cover through the Bonus Hero system unfortunately. So it's up to you if you want to take the risk or not - even if the first Bonus cover isn't useable the second or third might be...

    Regarding your son's roster, it is very likely that Moon Knight will leave the token pool next week then the new season starts (along with Kate Bishop, to make room for Mordo and Coulson), so I'd probably be more inclined to try to hang on to Cyclops instead of Moon Knight. YMMV of course.
  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,157 Chairperson of the Boards
    The reason I recommended he keep Moon Knight is that right now, Moon Knight is his only true healer. He has Moon Knight's black ability, which even at LVL 1 can take out most of the lower level goons he's facing. He's also only has the basic 10 health packs. I didn't know Moon Kngith would be one of the ones leaving...
  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    When you get a Bonus Hero it's a random cover.
  • Crnch73
    Crnch73 Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    regarding your roster:

    I personally don't believe Carnage or Flaptain are worth champing (this coming from someone who actually champed Flaptain). If your goal is to just champion every 4* you possibly can, that's another story. But if you are like me, just trying to build a good and usable roster (I have 7 champed 4* right now), then I would save the CP and ISO for better characters. However, I have no issue spending CP on the 13th cover, I have done it for 3 different characters in this tier (thoress, teen jean, ice man).

    regarding your son's roster:

    as mentioned by another poster, moon knight is leaving the pool soon. I don't believe his black power, at 1 cover, is enough to true-heal your way to victory. Meaning, unlike OML or other healers, it's not passive... so it's not guaranteed to happen enough that I would say "definitely save him!". 4clops is one of the best in the tier, the others are good but not truly "necessary". If his roster is more in the budding stages, then 4* aren't really what he should focus on right now anyways. Save hulk buster if that's his favorite... no problem. But in my experience, at that stage you should be focusing on getting 2's. Then when your 2* are solid, start working on 3's and so on. Trying to jump 1 or 2 tiers ahead of where you are is too hard, takes too long, and can screw up your scaling. I would say keep Peggy, keep hulk buster, and maybe keep 4clops... the rest can just be sold for 1000 ISO (which should be a lot to a low roster) and focus on building up from the ground level.
  • MushroomGenius808
    MushroomGenius808 Posts: 138 Tile Toppler
    I would advise your son not to sell those single covered 4*... he'll need them for the Behemoth Burrito.
  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,157 Chairperson of the Boards
    I would advise your son not to sell those single covered 4*... he'll need them for the Behemoth Burrito.
    That's just it...he's been very lucky with his token pulls. He just got blackflag.pngGwenpoolIcon.PNG from the Enemy of the State vault this morning, so that's another four star that he'll have one cover for. He actually has more four stars than two stars right now. All of his four stars are only one cover, though...and almost all of them are red abilities. The only two that aren't, Moon Knight and Gwenpool, are black. It will be a while before he's got a complete team for the Burrito fights.
    Crnch73 wrote:
    I would say keep Peggy, keep hulk buster, and maybe keep 4clops... the rest can just be sold for 1000 ISO (which should be a lot to a low roster) and focus on building up from the ground level.
    Currently, ISO isn't the problem - Hero Points are. If I could trade him some of my HP for his ISO, I'd do it in a heartbeat. icon_e_smile.gif He has three heroes (Gwenpool included) that need slots, and only 95 Hero Points. He had been spending ISO on standard tokens to try and get some of the two star covers he needed, but that was taken away with the "vaulting heroes" change.
  • Evilgenius_9
    Evilgenius_9 Posts: 132 Tile Toppler
    You didn't say, but your son should be saving all cp and legendaries if he is short hp to roster.

    As far as your roster, I have been using almost nothing but Falcap, Iron Fist and 3* Strange for EoTS. Sure, many fights I don't fire a single active power except IF's purple, but Falcap's blue is a nice little boost. Plus on waves get his yellow out and you just sit and let everybody kill themselves taking no damage.
  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,157 Chairperson of the Boards
    You didn't say, but your son should be saving all cp and legendaries if he is short hp to roster.

    As far as your roster, I have been using almost nothing but Falcap, Iron Fist and 3* Strange for EoTS. Sure, many fights I don't fire a single active power except IF's purple, but Falcap's blue is a nice little boost. Plus on waves get his yellow out and you just sit and let everybody kill themselves taking no damage.

    He is saving his CP. He got a Legendary token in a vault from an earlier event. He said that he accidentally claimed it, but that's how he got his Hulkbuster, so it worked out well for him. Meanwhile, all 11 of my tokens from Enemy of the State have been 2-stars. As I said, he's been very lucky with token pulls.

    As for my roster, it's fun to play with Red Hulk and Awesome Hulk both champed and boosted. The strategy of "Get 18 green. Do 15K damage to the enemy team." works really well in most fights...up to the point that the third team member really doesn't matter much. I have used Falcap to help speed up Awesome Hulks timer, though.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yeah, annoyingly your bonus can still be a cover you can't use.
    I was "lucky" enough to get a Star Lord bonus cover, but it was not red...the only one I actually need. So I'm currently sat on three Star Lord covers and if I want to use them I'll need to save up 240 CP within a fortnight.