Boosted Environment Tiles

edited November 2013 in MPQ General Discussion
Is there a trick to getting Thor to match my environment tiles this week? He should have priority twice, once after the tile-matching bugfeature, but Wolverine keeps taking mine from the left slot.


  • Is there a trick to getting Thor to match my environment tiles this week? He should have priority twice, once after the tile-matching bugfeature, but Wolverine keeps taking mine from the left slot.

    ive noticed it only happens when you match a crit tile with environmental tiles
  • Just tried that, switched **Wolverine to *Hawkeye for Take Aim, and now it's **Storm on the right doing my environment tile crits.
  • depend on the strategy, it may benefit the bait for c.storm strategy.
    if all env tiles matched by thor. there is no reason to use bait char.
    but the damage from env tile boosted hero is wonderful
    last IM40 almost third of my win using env tile combo [except the one that give you measly 50 health-->should be change to percentage like 10%, and weak strike tiles from latveria]