POLL: Your opinion on the Limited Characters from Tokens

GrimSkald Posts: 2,535 Chairperson of the Boards
edited March 2017 in MPQ General Discussion
Okay, so the thread on the "Bonus Heroes" change is a hot mess with 23 pages right now (reminds me of the "True Healing" thread,) and there's a lot of quibbling over minutae, so let's make a focused post with a Poll on how we feel about the now limited character selection from tokens. The Bonus Heroes are a separate issue, and I suspect we all like it to some extent - this polling is strictly about being able to draw limited characters with a normal pull from a token. Sure, they're linked subjects since one mitigates the other, but I want this to be a relatively tight poll.

If you want to elaborate on your opinion, please do so, but keep it a) focused on the issue at hand, and b) civil. If we want to make our opinion known, the best way to do so would be in a distilled, easy to read fashion.
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  • Nepenthe
    Nepenthe Posts: 283 Mover and Shaker
    Voted "needs serious revamp." Specifically, there needs to be a legendary token that includes the older 4*s. Either have them in the classic legends for 20 cp, or introduce a third type of legendary with the older 4*s. (Since some have said they want to keep the classic 5s / latest 4s option.
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,535 Chairperson of the Boards
    As for my own opinion - I ascribe good motives to the production of this feature - I think it was done to keep this game sustainable. While an older player can keep up with the introduction of a new character every 2 weeks, new ones can have a tinykitty of a time covering characters at the higher tiers. I think limiting the pulls was supposed to help this, and the bonus heroes were intended to mitigate the impact on the older players.

    The trouble is, bonus heroes don't land often enough to have any real impact. 1 in 20 can be a nice help, but is a far cry from being able to pull from a large group of characters. I'm having a very poor time with the changes, personally - I'm drawing a lot more covers I can't use out of my LTs because of my color distribution (darn 1/5/3 Wasp!) and I have yet to draw a single bonus hero. I don't think the bonus hero odds should be increased (though that would be one way to improve it,) but the vaulting has a profoundly negative impact on me future roster and I would definitely prefer the old system at this time. Maybe if I could turn the limited character pool off and on at will? Then we could talk.

    That's how I feel. I'm not foaming at the mouth, but I do think this needs some serious work before it can do what it was intended to do - give players more control over what they can pull and allow newer players to better make the transition to other tiers.
  • n25philly
    n25philly Posts: 426 Mover and Shaker
    I'm all for a way to limit what is pulled for the people that need/want it. To take away more than half the characters for the ones that do want them is pure ****. Especially when their answer is to put them behind more rng. Bonus characters if a good idea, an option of limiting characters is a good idea, vaulting is pure toxic and I'm leaving the game if something isn't done about it soon.
  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,059 Chairperson of the Boards
    I was hoping for a voting option that included completely changing the 12 heroes with every season so that you'd go through all heroes in #*/4* land every 4 seasons.

    That way you could save LT's for the month of the characters you were interested in (newest, new, older, oldest).

  • sinnerjfl
    sinnerjfl Posts: 1,274 Chairperson of the Boards
    I feel that this kind of vaulting is just annoying, and the bonus heroes does not off-set the fact that a massive part of the 3*/4* tier has
    been removed from tokens.

    Just have separate tokens containing a subset of 4*'s/3*'s, then another and another (12 3*'s/12 4*'s), let us choose whichever token
    we want to open and not have to rely on some RNG mechanic to maybe get that vaulted hero.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    "Serious revamp" The bonus favorite system, separate from the token vaulting, is fine. I mean, it is still a layer of RNG painted upon existing layer RNG, which is a mild annoyance. But, it at least doesn't do anything bad.

    The vaulting, however, is a big problem. It basically is taking the thing we've been complaining about at the 5* tier, the difficulty in acquiring old characters, and extending it to the lower tiers as well. Normal "no bonus" token draws having a 0% chance at an older character, and having a bonus character for a selected champ occur only one in twenty draws is massive over-correction, creating as many problems as it intended to fix.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Serious revamp.

    If Classic tokens included all 4*'s except the newest 12, I would have been happy with this change.
    If Bonus Hereos -only- came in (higher % on your chosen characters to fight the evil being known as "RNG"!) [no other change, no vaulting] I would have been happy with this change.
    If this change included daily 4* DDQ, allowing for some continued old-school champing and rewards, it would have been ok.

    Putting only new characters in destroyed a lot of purpose of champing the older characters, and progress for those who champed those old characters. Already have talked to a few vets who have taken this as the last straw, and will be leaving.
  • MyNameIsRed
    MyNameIsRed Posts: 63
    edited March 2017

    My only complaint is I can't try my luck with the older 4*'s, having to rely on bonus heroes. I'd even pay 20cp to "unlock the vault" and have a go at all the other 4*'s currently not in latest or classic legendaries.

    Otherwise I'm ok with it all

    EDIT: seems what I think is what most class as a serious revamp.

    While i'm thinking of serious revamps. A custom token would be cool where you select 12 (15 - 20 - whatever) of your favourite characters. Then pay 20cp to pull from it.

    Or (getting carried away now) the latest tokens had the 12 most recent 4*'s, the classic had the 12 before that. So then at least that gives a chance at 24 4*'s. Hardly makes sense that latest is the latest 5*'s and 4*'s, and classics is all other 5*'s, but still the most recent 4*'s.
  • justsing
    justsing Posts: 507 Critical Contributor
    Yeah, I voted for serious revamp.

    But at the very least, I think the older 4*s that aren't part of the special 12 should be included in classic legends like others have suggested. That way, those that like focusing only on the newest 12 4*s can do so via Heroic Tokens while others can spend 20 CP to cover older 4*s.
  • RoboDuck
    RoboDuck Posts: 142 Tile Toppler
    Voted minor tweaking. Vault needs probably 4-10 more characters, and/or Bonus cover needs to kick in more often.

    I do really like the improved opportunity to cover newer characters faster. Most of the current 12 were seriously undercovered for me.

    Think this is a total YMMV type thing. The crowd racing to max champ the old 4s aren't gonna like it. The transitioner looking to champ those older 4s probably won't like it either.

    I might have been in a perfect spot to have it work out good for me.
  • funeralthirst7
    Serious revamp.

    The bonus feature by itself is fine. Nothing wrong with getting lucky once in awhile and drawing something good.

    The tokens are a problem. Having the most recent 12 in latest is fine but they should have allowed classics to have the rest. Everybody would have applauded that change.
  • TheDrStrange
    TheDrStrange Posts: 89 Match Maker
    I like it in general. I think the limited characters in tokens is going to help newer players get better rosters faster (my alliance has quite a few newer players, though I'm in my 2nd year). I'd make some little tweaks. Increasing the rate from 5% to something a little higher would be awesome. It'd also be great if they could guarantee you got a cover you needed. There are some characters that I'd feel uneasy about choosing for my bonus because they have 5 in a cover (or in some cases, 2 covers at 5). Since some of those characters don't drop randomly, I'm basically stuck waiting for a vault or a 3-star champion reward in the distant future.
  • MaxxPowerz
    MaxxPowerz Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    RoboDuck wrote:
    Voted minor tweaking. Vault needs probably 4-10 more characters, and/or Bonus cover needs to kick in more often.

    I do really like the improved opportunity to cover newer characters faster. Most of the current 12 were seriously undercovered for me.

    Think this is a total YMMV type thing. The crowd racing to max champ the old 4s aren't gonna like it. The transitioner looking to champ those older 4s probably won't like it either.

    I might have been in a perfect spot to have it work out good for me.

    Same for me.

    The only real negative is that this will hinder my champing efforts, and I was getting into the good rewards on some of my older characters.
  • Copps
    Copps Posts: 333 Mover and Shaker
    I would rather there was a more unfocused classic as well. However I am loving being able to cover medusa and carol. And I'm looking forward to coulson as well.
  • Wumpushunter
    Wumpushunter Posts: 627 Critical Contributor
    62% currently think something needs to be revamped, I wonder if the other 38% have all the off list characters covered.
  • illusionist_KA
    illusionist_KA Posts: 137 Tile Toppler
    62% currently think something needs to be revamped, I wonder if the other 38% have all the off list characters covered.

    this needs to be revamped. i wasn't expecting the devs to totally eliminate the older characters. People were generally complaining that it took over a year to fully cover a new character. well thats what the devs gave us - an oppurtonity to fully cover a new cover. It also took away all chances to fully grow the older characters, i have many 4* at 290+, but now it will get slower to get them higher. Hearting them doesn't make it come any faster, hence the other grip that the odds are too low. All my 4*'s are fully covered except the last 4 new ones. Which in reality i personally don't like them - too slow and and situational. I will never see myself using them with the other options i have. So, now i am wasting my CP on 4* i dont want or need in any way or form. I'll take moonknight, peggy, medusa, and carol - maybe blade. the rest ....umm....no.

    I haven't pulled a BH as of yet, so for now, it needs improving. At least add a 10cp all old 4* or
    25 cp latest 5* and latest 4*
    20 cp classic 5* and classic 4*
  • Sidlon
    Sidlon Posts: 139 Tile Toppler
    I'd love these new LTs if they were an addition instead of a replacement.

    Please give us 3 LT options: Latest, Recent, and Classic Legends!

    (Any chance that could be an option in the poll?)
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,837 Chairperson of the Boards
    Nepenthe wrote:
    Voted "needs serious revamp." Specifically, there needs to be a legendary token that includes the older 4*s. Either have them in the classic legends for 20 cp, or introduce a third type of legendary with the older 4*s. (Since some have said they want to keep the classic 5s / latest 4s option.

    Call the third LT "Ancients" that include older 5*s (OML, PHX, BSSM) and 4* (XFW, KP, ProX). Sure players will try to grab those OML but the balance is they also pull Fury's and Elektra's.
  • Tee
    Tee Posts: 231 Tile Toppler
    I picked the first option but I can see why people would pick the others.
  • CT1888
    CT1888 Posts: 1,201 Chairperson of the Boards
    I want to really like it, but it feels flawed to me. Had they done it in conjunction with something like a daily Crash which awarded a cover of the character as per 3*, with 4*s entering rotation after they dropped out of packs (transitioners! You can enter the hallowed 4* land quicker! Vets! Buy packs and get shiney new toy fast! Whales! Keep up the good work!), it could've been brilliant.
    I know, crazy right.
    Le sigh.