Best first 4* champ for transitioners

mdreyer93 Posts: 144 Tile Toppler
edited March 2017 in MPQ General Discussion
So, with the addition of Bonus Heroes and the ability to target a single 4* character for increased odds, what are people's thoughts on who the best first 4* champ would be for someone with a 3* champ roster and no other usable 4*s? Would you recommend a character who has great synergy with some of the top 3*s, like Lady Thor or Hulkbuster? One with staying power and true healing, like XFDP or X-23? Or would you recommend just picking one of the other top tier 4*s, like Iceman, Peggy, PunMAX, or Rulk?

For my particular situation, I currently have a 4/2/2 Rulk, a 2/2/3 XFDP, and a 2/2/3 Lady Thor and I'm torn on who to choose as a favorite. Thoughts are appreciated.


  • TimGunn
    TimGunn Posts: 257 Mover and Shaker
    Hmm, tough choice. I used Thora/IM40/Kamela in simulator for a while and could do pretty well. Also used Hulkbuster/Iron Fist/Scarlet Witch. Although SW got nerfed. Red Hulk could also be a deterrent.

    And Peggy is also good if you can afford the health packs she will eat. And she is still in the packs!

    So I would choose Thora, but change that up if you have the opportunity for one of the other top tier ones (in a vault or something).
  • JackTenrec
    JackTenrec Posts: 808 Critical Contributor
    4* Thor/IM40/pretty much anyone else is a great PvE combo and is probably responsible for most of the heavy lifting in my early 3* - 4* transition. I've also had pretty decent success with Iceman/SW/KK.
  • chamber44
    chamber44 Posts: 324 Mover and Shaker

    4hor is good, but Rulk is downright nasty when he's boosted.

    My Sim team of 4Clops, Rulk, and IM40 isn't necessarily a defensive juggernaut, but I can mow through a couple hundered points pretty quickly.
  • thanos8587
    thanos8587 Posts: 653
    one of the purple greens ala rulk iceman or teen jean and hulkbuster as these are more likely to be at higher covers than the newer releases. five colors, very powerful.

    of course if you could champ carol and medusa, thatd be good too.
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    Rhulk is very good and a PvP deterrent because of his high health, green AP drain and team damage, but Peggy's AP increase and super stun is even scarier! Play them both with IM40 and you got a rock solid team. Iceman is also scary too.
  • boomshaka40
    boomshaka40 Posts: 14 Just Dropped In
    In your situation, you have a better chance of covering one of the 12 4s in tokens currently. I'd consider using one of those as your favorite (Medusa or Carol) so you have the potential of 2 of their covers on a bonus hero roll, thereby accelerating your coverage of a good newer character.

    If you are dead set on having a semi-retired hero as a favorite, then rhulk is the likely choice since he is the most covered from what you posted. I'm just leery of relying on bonus heroes to cover an older character since the chances of a bonus roll are so slim.
  • Xenoberyll
    Xenoberyll Posts: 647 Critical Contributor
    RHulk is clearly the best of those you have decently covered. Maybe you should focus on one of the new characters instead tho. Captain M4rvel and/or Medusa would be my choice.
  • FaustianDeal
    FaustianDeal Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    You definitely need to focus on one of the 12x 4*s that are still occurring in tokens. By removing the vast majority of the other 4*s - you should receive cover for these heroes 3.5 times faster than you were receiving covers for a given 4* prior to the change. Even if you were to flag one of the old characters as a 'favorite', Rulk for example, you are still looking at having to open another 100 4* covers in order to get 5 more covers for him (and that will only get him to 13 covers if colors cooperate). In that same window of time you would have received 8 covers for each of the 4* characters that are currently in the tokens (or maybe 9 assuming smooth distribution). Now, lets instead assume you pick Medusa, as your favorite character (assuming smooth RNG) over the same run of 100 4* pulls you would draw 8 (maybe 9) covers for her, and your 5 bonus covers would get her to 13. This is probably a better outcome for you, because you would continue to accumulate covers for her at 2-2.5x the rate you will get covers for a bonus hero you select that is outside of the tokens.

    Another important thing to consider... look to the *newer* options on the list. Kate Bishop is guaranteed to be rotating out of tokens in a week to make room for Mordo. Moon Knight will probably also be leaving to make room for Coulson. If you pick a charager that is scheduled to leave too soon (like Peggy, for example) you will just wind up with another mostly covered 4* that isn't in tokens anymore.

    Given the recency of their release, and their high quality, I would echo the suggestions of Captain Marvel and Medusa. They are both really good characters, and they should stick around in the tokens for a decent amount of time to give you opportunity to cover them.

    Also, for what its worth, I would strongly encourage you to only pick 1, or *maybe* 2, favorites in the 4* tier. If you decide they will be Captain Marvel and Medusa, only pick those 2. That's if your goal is truly to get to covered 4*s as quick as you can.

    (this assumes you will draw 100x 4* covers over the next 5 months. If your particular rate of earning and opening tokens is lagging well behind that number then I might recommend letting a few tokens accumulate and then making a new election for your 2 favorite 4* heroes when you have the stash of tokens you would need to get that number of draws before you choices move out of tokens.)
  • Tromb2ch2
    Tromb2ch2 Posts: 301 Mover and Shaker
    If you can I'd go full steam ahead on Peggy. She's super good. But she might be rotated out in the next monthish
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    Rhulk (or Iceman) used to be the best one to max first if you were PvP focused. 4hor for PvE was also great. Both with IM of course.

    Now I guess Peggy is your best option. She is nowhere as fast as Rhulk, but she also plays great with IM.
  • Berserk_Al
    Berserk_Al Posts: 411 Mover and Shaker
    My only 4-star champion is Red Hulk, so I am going for Peggy as my favorite. My particular reason is that I like to play with a Green/Purple character, a Red/Blue character, and Iron Man 40. That way they are easily replaceable once I need them to recover health while I keep playing. Kamala Khan, Scarlet Witch, Black Widow, and now Red Hulk can replace each other in this team, and Ragnarok, Captain America, Magneto as the other side of the beldum. As my Rulk is so high leveled compared to my other characters, and becoming my main Green/Purple, I am now focusing in Magneto as my Red/Blue, as he's the highest leveled. But he's only level 200 or so, so I need to replace him soon with a 4-star. That's why I chose Peggy as my fav, as she's a Red/Blue with great powers, and she's also more available now that there are only 12 4-stars in the pool. Sure, I could have gone with Thor or Cyclops as my fav, but one of them already has five covers in one if its colors, so there's a risk of pulling an useless cover that I won't take until I need to take that risk.
  • mahman10
    mahman10 Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
    I'm in the same boat in terms of halfway covered top-tier 4s, not sure whether to just forget about those and favorite Capt Marvel (1/1/2) and Medusa (0/1/1) to make sure I really get those covered or keep on trucking on RHulk (1/3/5), JG (3/3/4), HB (3/3/1), Cyclops (2/4/1) one at a time..

    I keep going back and forth on which way I should lean, so confusing!