My Hoard results - what now?

y4747 Posts: 166 Tile Toppler
edited March 2017 in Roster and Level Help
so, yesterday i pulled my hoard of 297 (eventually, including champ levels that made more tokens and cp) latest legends tokens.

the good news:
fully covered and optimal thanos (and 4 extra in queue).
13 covers on strange, some dupes but got a positive response on a swap request.
12 covers on BP, no dupes. last cover to 13 should be possible before he leaves the pool.
covered and champed carol.

the bad news:
cover spread on strange was 8/5/0. the chances of not getting a single strange yellow in 297 are 0.68%. wth.

the ... something(?) news:
right when i finished opening it, data push... and here come bonus heroes and greatly reduced 4* pulls, out of nowhere.
so on the one hand, i missed out on ~15 bonus hero covers, ~2 of which would have been 5*.
on the other, my usable 4* cover rate was about 75% instead of 20% - much, MUCH less waste than i would have after the change. lots of covers for my 30+ 4* champs.
i'd consider that a win, i think.

so the big question: what to do now?
i have 800k iso. the rest of my 5* roster looks like:
ss - fully covered, lvl 375
oml - 5/2/5, lvl 375 (sold 3 black in the past icon_cry.gif )
im46 - 3/3/3, lvl 375
phx - 5/1/3 (ugh), lvl 375

the rest are too undercovered to matter.

do i:

1. go full 5*! champ thanos, then strange and ss when i get the iso. (2~3 weeks). face full 5* mmr in pvp and pve scaling, with health-pack-eating thanos. bring oml and bp up to 435, im46 and phx up to 390 (another ~3 weeks). 3 champ 5*s, 2 very close and 2 usable (though phx barely so). probably make all my well-loved 4*s useless forever.

2. champ thanos to not waste the covers, bring strange and bp to 375. strange will be meh with 3 yellow. no idea how this will affect my mmr/scaling, but will probably be more manageable than 3 5* champs. will 4*s be usable, if they're lvl 270~300 unboosted?
could really use some input here from people with this kind of roster.

3. throw away 4 thanos covers, and bring him along with bp/strange to 375. face the same mmr/scaling i've had so far, with more tools, and boosted 4*s are still great (iceman creamed the most recent heroic). spend on tokens hoping to get bp/oml/im46/phx (yay bonus heroes...?) to a champable state before moving to 5* land, hopefully with 5~6 5* champs.
but... 4 5* covers down the drain.

i would appreciate info on scaling/mmr and general game experience from people with rosters that have 1~3 champ 5*s and no more, especially if one of them is thanos. will i start hating pvp? pve? both? i can just see a situation where i'm facing lvl 460 goons, and thanos is the only one that can reliably win, but he'll keep killing his teammates... oml and ss true healing, and phx resurrection, can help i guess.


  • madok
    madok Posts: 905 Critical Contributor
    Not sure if you have watched the developer video, but there are plans to start tying Story model enemy scaling to your selected SCL and not roster. So you will definitely feel some scaling pain initially that will abate some when that change goes live. Plus 5trange wrecks Story mode pretty well.

    I would be loathe to waste those champ levels for Thanos but it's your decision in the end.