Missing Behemoth Burrito progression points.

Steel_Colt Posts: 277 Mover and Shaker
Hey all,
during the server outage yesterday I managed to finish the Behemoth Burrito mission in DDQ, but the game never loaded to the reward screen. After trying to start the game up this morning, I did get the 2 CP, but didn't get the 8000 progression points, resulting in not getting the Taco Token at 22000 points.
Already submitted a ticket, but wondering if anyone else experienced this issue.


  • Tombstone
    Tombstone ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 1,208 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sorry to hear the server outage messed up your rewards in DDQ. The outage was a general problem with the server that everyone experienced. Since you've already submitted a ticket to Customer Support, I'd say just be on the look out for any more problems and feel free to contact them again if you experience different issues.
  • Bruinsfan17
    Bruinsfan17 Posts: 132 Tile Toppler
    Happened to me as well. Didn't think it was worth submitting a ticket over though. I did however lose my pve rewards because apparently I was able to claim them during the server outage and now they've disappeared since the issue was fixed. Losing my 2 Coulson covers was certainly worth a ticket though. Hope it gets resolved soon.