Game data lost

MrTinkle Posts: 3
Anyone experience total loss of game data. And yes - I did not store in on Facebook.

I was in the middle of a challenge in an area with poor reception. Game restarted and now I get a splash screen on login directing me as a new player to the tutorial.


  • Ducky
    Ducky Posts: 2,255 Community Moderator
    Please open a ticket with Customer Support at: describing your issue. This should get you started on the track to recovering your lost account.
  • Thanks Ducky. Have already done that.

    Hoping someone had a magic solution that could get me back on-line asap. I didn't realise how much I enjoy this game until now that I cant access it.
  • Aburge82
    Aburge82 Posts: 1 Just Dropped In
    I have the same problem. It is hard. I don't want to start over.