Is tanking global or separate?

For instance, if I tank in shield training will it cover 3 day PvP and the week long PvE

Or if I tank PvP, will that cover pve as well?

Mod Edit (Riggy): Corrected the title for clarity: take != tank


  • PvP MMR is all connected, but PvE is separate.

    So if you tank in shield training or lightning rounds, that reduces you MMR in lightning rounds and PvP, but does not affect PvE, and retreating in PvE will not affect PvP.
  • As far as I know:

    PvP, yes.
    PvE, no.

    PvE scaling has more to do with the performance of the community combined with your personal performance within each node.
    If you are leaving each fight with close to full health (due to healing with OBW or Spider-Man) or perma-stunning your enemies with Spider-Man then the difficulty of your nodes will scale much more quickly.
  • Also keep in mind that each PVP also has its own MMR tables that get created at the start of the event based off your global MMR so even if you tank in another pvp it will only have partial effect in the others you are still currently running in.