
Rika Posts: 20
Please sort enemy scaling and/or cascading issues. It just shouldn't be the case that PvE becomes almost unplayable just because one of you undercovered 3* was lucky enough to be boosted ahead of your 2*s. A 4* in most nodes, seriously (even two in the hard ones)? Ridiculous cascades by those strong enemies do not help either. I could barely clear the nodes 4x, the harder ones are still waiting for their 4 clears. Improve the way events are scaled, or give us the opportunity to leave chars out of an event, or let us choose the difficulty, or whatever. It's frustrating to be punished for progressing in the game.


  • Teskal
    Teskal Posts: 109 Tile Toppler
    I wrote a similiar thread earlier. I totally agree.

    I think characters with not many covers should not be part of the rating. Not before they have 8 or more covers. Some special characters like Dr. Strange, Peggy and similiar maybe already on 5 covers.