End-game (motivation) issues

loslupus77 Posts: 38 Just Dropped In
Sure, this has been talked before, but I decided to put my current dilemma into words. I just sold my first 5* cover, blue for Silver Surfer. Sure it was 6th blue cover, but my SS was 5/3/5 and by the time the cover was about to expire I had enough iso to champ him and I didn't even have other characters to spend that iso on. So, why didn't I champ him? Simple reason, it would have created more issues than it would have helped me.

I just recently passed day 900 and have spent lots of time to get my roster to a point where it includes all 3*s champed and 40 champed 4*s. My 3*s really don't have much use other than as PVP featured characters, but having lots of champed 4*s has made my MPQ-time a lot more fun. Moving deep(er) into 5* territory would have made them almost redundant and forced me to rely on my few 5*s (I have also 11-cover 5trange and 10-cover OML). This game has enough repetition due to it's reward structure and lack of game options and forcing me to use same team over and over again would probably be the final straw.

It's really sad that game's MMR and scaling punishes players for improving their roster. So now I'm stuck in no-man's land, with only few 4*s non-champed (although the number will grow the way devs are releasing new characters). Champing new 4*s won't even give me much competitive advantage, so staying strictly with 4*s won't improve my situation. Levelling 5*s has even more issues, so currently I'm just pondering what to do next and trying to find motivation to continue further.

It seems that I had similar issues about year ago, when I had all 3*s and few top 4*s champed. But gathering 4* covers was much easier and less reliant on RNG than getting covers for 5*s. Introducing championing extended this game's life expentancy, but now devs need to introduce something similar for me to continue much longer.


  • dan54321
    dan54321 Posts: 41 Just Dropped In
    I totally agree, and I will add that the scaling issues in PVE are another argument against leveling your 5*. On this last Gauntlet, my champed 5* team which averages level 454 faced ridiculously overscaled opponents, leaving me feeling much weaker with 5* than I had when I played with a 4* roster. As an example, the Spider Gwen I faced did 35k damage for 8 red. 35k damage for 8 red!! (and that goes down to 6 red if she's got web tiles out)

    I did not bother trying to finish Gauntlet. Furthermore, I'm at the point where I'm not sure I'm going to bother finishing the harder nodes in regular PVE events, because the scaling is just so punishing and no-fun.

    That leaves me with just a fraction of every PVE event that I'd play, and my rewards and progression in the game will be so low that I truly wonder why I should bother to keep playing.

    It's not like demiurge is tripping over itself releasing new game content to motivate me, either. The last new story we had was released, what, 4 months ago? 5?

    So yeah, uncertain about motivation, too.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yep. Going from 40 viable characters down to two or three sounds like a complete nightmare. At the rate I'm acquiring 5*'s, replicating the roster that I have now in the 4* level at the 5* level would take literally a decade. Either reliable ways to acquire 5*'s need to be dramatically increased, or the penalties for having just a few need to be dramatically reduced.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    loslupus77 wrote:
    I just recently passed day 900 and have spent lots of time to get my roster to a point where it includes all 3*s champed and 40 champed 4*s. My 3*s really don't have much use other than as PVP featured characters, but having lots of champed 4*s has made my MPQ-time a lot more fun. Moving deep(er) into 5* territory would have made them almost redundant and forced me to rely on my few 5*s (I have also 11-cover 5trange and 10-cover OML).

    Let me just say that these concerns are massively overstated, imo.

    I have a lvl453 Surfer, lvl 453 OML, 390 on PHX/Bolt. I regularly use my 4s in PvE, PvP, and Sim. Yes, on the harder PvE nodes it's constricted to the boosted characters, but I find it hard to believe that wouldn't be true without any 5s.

    I too had the decision tree where it was max Surfer and jump head first, or keep going with my 4s (of which I don't have nearly as many champed as you do). I don't see how it's even a choice.

    On a side note, at this stage then you should be hoarding your LT/CP. If you want diversity to move on, then you'll need to hold on to those resources until you can reliably cover whatever 3 characters are in the legendaries at that point. It's about the only way to move to 5s as the game currently stands.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    The answer to this is simple but a tad depressing and boring.

    Keep saving iso until you can champ 3 or 4 of your 5s then your redundant 4s won't feel as bad as you'll at least have a tiny bit of choice in 5* land
  • A_Wise_Man
    A_Wise_Man Posts: 153 Tile Toppler
    I sense....a solution...very soon. Has to be. Developers said they were working on it back in June. Been almost a full year....has to be.
  • atomzed
    atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
    The answer to this is simple but a tad depressing and boring.

    Keep saving iso until you can champ 3 or 4 of your 5s then your redundant 4s won't feel as bad as you'll at least have a tiny bit of choice in 5* land

    i agree. My 3 5* became fully covered within a single month. having 3 gave me options to mix and match. it's much less monotonous with me being able to play with 2 diff characters.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have a few 5*s that I could level up to 400+, but I don't, because it makes my pvp experience worth. Now, each fight is against enemies with 30,000 hit points, and by the time I win, I've been smushed by a bunch of people with champed 5*s.

    Also some people in S4 are doing a point-suppression strategy, so now it's much harder and slower to get to even 900 with my limited available hopping time.

    So now, even with my decent roster, I just push to 575+ and give up once the going gets tough. It's just not worth the effort.

    I win enough 4*s from cp and LT (because I never pull any 5*s), so it doesn't really matter if I get some extra ones from hitting 900 points in pvp. I am caring less and enjoying the increased free time and decreased responsibility to this game.