Infinite loading

Can not see any in-game screen, just infinite loading. I tried to click all the buttons from side menu and once could get into "something went wrong" error. From time to time infinite loading transforms into "no internet" error, but i definetely have the internet connection. I've firstly encountered this bug aproximately at 19-00 Feb 23. I have tried to delete the gane and download it again, but bug is still here. To you information - when i redownloaded the game i could see start screen with "start training" and "login via facebook" buttons. But after successful facebook login I saw the infinite loading again. So the problem is with my profile, check it, please. You can see my device id on the screenshot with "no internet" error, if it will help you. My in-game nickname is Organizm.


  • It has been doing that to me as well. And now it won't even let me load my Google Play account