Not a fan of the Deadpool's Daily Changes

disdamn Posts: 20 Just Dropped In
You've now taken the requirement for anyone having a chance at a DP Daily token and a second DP Daily token assuming you have the required 3*, removed the opportunity for anyone to have a chance, and increased the requirement from a required specific 3* to a required specific 2*, 3*, and a 4*.

the net effect is at most 1 token and some command points. This only rewards players who already have 4* flush rosters. So you've made it more exclusive to get command points or DP Tokens, and are rewarding the side of the player base that already has a large 4* roster, making it harder for anyone with a 3* only roster to get into 4* tokens.

The requirement to now have to keep a roster of 2*'s is also annoying. These changes are only going to make the game harder for those without giant rosters.


  • Teskal
    Teskal Posts: 109 Tile Toppler
    The need of a 4* in the 2*/3*/4* node, is only a logical enhancement, just like needing a 3* for TBE or the hero you need in Crash of Titans.

    There were also few more prices for completing the nodes as before. I do not know which are the later prices, because I'm missing most 4*, but the new prices were more then ok.

    About needing the 2* for the 2*/3*/4* nodeis not so bad. It is useful to have most 2* in the roster anyway for farming. Maybe little planning is necessary to look if the characters you sell to farm them again are maybe useful in the next fight.

    Personally I think it would be cool if they make the 1* harder, so 3x 1* are needed for the fight. Also a 2nd 1* node would be cool.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    This forum really will complain about EVERYTHING.

    We get free stuff on top of the stuff we already got from DDQ, without losing anything, and still people complain.
  • Skrofa
    Skrofa Posts: 388 Mover and Shaker
    I remember when I first started playing it was very difficult for me to even play in the ddq. Sure i coukd beat the first node, and the second one for that first taco. But then, the third one? That was hard! That required character? Don't get me started!! Most of the time i couldn't play that because I didn't have that required character!! And even if I did have it, the last node was hell!!!

    Then I put in some strategy. I knew I was at a point that I really couldn't roster everyone so I checked the schedule for TRC. I would always save a roster spot for that and if I had the cover on the vine, good! If not, on to the next one.

    I am now at a point where I have a healthy 2* farm all 3* except vision for some reason and I think all 4*. Patience is key in this game. And if you are lacking patience, money is key. If you are lacking both, well...

    Also... I dont get what the OP is talking about with the tacos. We actually get 3 tacos now! 2 as always, and 1 from progression. What else do you want?
  • Lampo
    Lampo Posts: 121 Tile Toppler
    They ADDED something, without taking anything away.
    We can argue that we wanted more (who doesn't want mooooore free stuff?), but complaining for reveiving something more looks very childish to me.
  • Megdar
    Megdar Posts: 133 Tile Toppler
    Stupidest complain ever. They did not make anything harder for you. It is better now, even without counting the new node, you still receive more then before and the 3* node is now way easier.

    As for the 4-3-2 node, it is stupidly easy, even with the 4* at one cover you can do it. And I really like the fact they gave a new reason to have 2* other then story essential.

    If your 3* roster can't finish the new node, then it is not for you... The 2* to 3* transition do not need cp, the 3* to 4* need it, and this node is for them.
  • Megdar
    Megdar Posts: 133 Tile Toppler
    It remember me of a wonderful saying from Mark Rosewater, header designer for Magic: The Gathering. It go something like that:

    "There will always have people to complain about anything, at some point you have to ignore them. We could put a 20$ in each booster pack, and there would be people to complain that it is not folded right, or that it is surely a trap of some sort."
  • Andre_Leca_89
    Andre_Leca_89 Posts: 92 Match Maker
    I don't know if you are new to the game or not,

    you can't blame D3 because you don't have the required characters it is a requirement to have all characters I know it's costs to much to open a new roster slot but that is how the game is played,

    That is why the players with big rosters are winning just try to save as much HP as possible
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Megdar wrote:
    It remember me of a wonderful saying from Mark Rosewater, header designer for Magic: The Gathering. It go something like that:

    "There will always have people to complain about anything, at some point you have to ignore them. We could put a 20$ in each booster pack, and there would be people to complain that it is not folded right, or that it is surely a trap of some sort."
    My wife spotted a letter to the editor in the newspaper complaining that the bills Always came out of the ATM the wrong way. The writer didn't want to have to turn them over to make sure they were oriented the right way in his wallet.
    We archived this as "World's biggest first World problem".
  • Teskal
    Teskal Posts: 109 Tile Toppler
    This is 'Suggestion and Feedback'.

    Most of the last few coments were not constructive at all. Everybody can leave here opinions. It should not about bashing people who just do this.
  • Megdar
    Megdar Posts: 133 Tile Toppler
    And everyone have the right to say that they are against his opinion so demiurge don't listen to it
  • Teskal
    Teskal Posts: 109 Tile Toppler
    Megdar wrote:
    And everyone have the right to say that they are against his opinion so demiurge don't listen to it

    Yes, but this can also be done constructive and without telling 'again someone is whining', which is not helping speaking against the feedback given, to make D3 not listen do it. It is just bashing someone and unrespectful.

    I have no problem with a little bit ironic or sarcasm in an answer, but it should be still constructive. Especially in a Suggestion & Feedback forum.
  • Megdar
    Megdar Posts: 133 Tile Toppler
    Well his complain was not really constructive. He is literaly saying that he was prefering the old way because some of the new stuff are not accessible to him.

    He is not saying the change are a good step, but should be easier. He said DDQ is now worst then before, when it is not worst, they only gave more stuff...

    Yes, this is the perfect example of someone complaining that other should not get stuff because he did not get it.
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    disdamn wrote:
    You've now taken the requirement for anyone having a chance at a DP Daily token and a second DP Daily token assuming you have the required 3*, removed the opportunity for anyone to have a chance, and increased the requirement from a required specific 3* to a required specific 2*, 3*, and a 4*.

    the net effect is at most 1 token and some command points. This only rewards players who already have 4* flush rosters. So you've made it more exclusive to get command points or DP Tokens, and are rewarding the side of the player base that already has a large 4* roster, making it harder for anyone with a 3* only roster to get into 4* tokens.

    The requirement to now have to keep a roster of 2*'s is also annoying. These changes are only going to make the game harder for those without giant rosters.

    Welcome to the forum, if I haven't said that already icon_e_smile.gif

    If you only have 1*s, some (but not all) 2*s at close to level 94, and a few 3*s, (I'm guessing this is where you are, based on your feedback) then you should still be able to:

    - Complete That Guy From That Place every day (exactly the same as before)
    - Complete Under The Sea every day (exactly the same as before)
    - Complete Third Time's the Charm every day (exactly the same as before)
    - Complete Dat Required Character some of the time, if you have the required character on your roster (exactly the same as before)
    - Complete The Big Enchilada some of the time, if you have the required character on your roster. If you had problems with this in the past, it might be easier now because there is only 1 single wave of 6 characters to battle instead of 4 waves of 3, so the endurance requirements are somewhat lower. Wolverine, Thor, and Black Widow were my go-to before I had properly-covered 3*s, and they worked very well. (and that was before championing was a thing)
    - Possibly complete Behemoth Burrito once or twice per cycle, if you have the correct team (this is more than before, for obvious reasons).

    This means that your daily rewards from the nodes you can complete every day are:

    - 3000 ISO-8 (1000/day more than before)
    - 1 Taco Token (exactly the same as before)
    - 1 standard token (new, you could never get this before)

    Additionally, on days where you can complete Dat Required Character (same as before) you will get:

    - 1 Taco Token (same as before)
    - 1 Elite token (new, you could never get this before)

    Plus an additional cover for the 3* character and 2000 ISO if you complete The Big Enchilada, which you can attempt exactly as often as before, but are now (in my opinion) more likely to win, if that was an issue in the past.

    On top of that, in very rare occasions, you will also be able to play and possibly win the Behemoth Burrito, in which case you will also get:

    - 2 CP (new, you could never get this before)
    - Taco Token (new, although this assumes you also completed all 6 missions. If you don't have the required character but you can do this mission, you'll get an Elite token instead)

    So while I understand your position, in that the largest changes have no effect on your play currently, I think you're looking at it the wrong way. I think it's better to see these changes as things to look forward to later in the game when you have a more developed roster (and trust me when I say that having most or all 2* characters rostered is already a very helpful thing, even before these changes, because of the rewards you earn for adding champion levels to them).

    Hope that helps icon_e_smile.gif
  • Alsmir
    Alsmir Posts: 508 Critical Contributor
    Hey disdamn. Don't get discouraged by the replies. It's unfortunate, but MPQ doesn't have a very friendly community, that likes to attack anyone, who complains about their precious game.
  • Crnch73
    Crnch73 Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    Alsmir wrote:
    Hey disdamn. Don't get discouraged by the replies. It's unfortunate, but MPQ doesn't have a very friendly community, that likes to attack anyone, who complains about their precious game.

    In all honesty, we all need to just take a breath. No one should be attacked, but at the same time we need to have a thicker skin everywhere.

    Some people are unhappy that the "big" update doesn't even help them... that stinks, you are allowed to feel upset... but also, this game is built around "gating" nodes by requiring characters. It is not a new idea, so we all should be able to handle it better, but I can understand why someone would be mad... the new feature and you can't play it? that sucks.

    Our anger is more about not feeling like we get enough QoL improvements. If someone is a jerk, or someone is being a baby... nothing gets accomplished. So let's stop getting all bent out of shape about it.
  • Megdar
    Megdar Posts: 133 Tile Toppler
    Alsmir wrote:
    Hey disdamn. Don't get discouraged by the replies. It's unfortunate, but MPQ doesn't have a very friendly community, that likes to attack anyone, who complains about their precious game.

    Have you even read his message before defending him... He is complaining that they removed stuff and that now DDQ is useless for him when they removing nothing, they just added stuff that ask to have 1 4* cover. And he talk like the game is now harder when at the very worst it is exactly the same as before.

    His post clearly sound like a troll that just like to complain and did not even take the time to fire up the game and look at the change.

    Also as you can see he never came back to defend his stance, because his stance don't even make sense in the first place.

    I do not attack him personally, I attack his post that is totally irrelevant and not constructive at all.

    And MPQ is not precious, there is a lot of flaw in it, but DDQ is clearly not one of them.
  • rekzkarz
    rekzkarz Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
    My complaint with the new Deadpool is it looks like chickenscratch garbage.

    The old format took way too long. The new format is just a mishmash hodgepodge, IMO reflecting poorly on the gamedevs as unable to deliver a quality product (although MPQ IS def a quality game).

    In other words, if this was the first screenshot in Appstore/Playstore, would anyone want to play this game?

    New DD screen needs a serious makeover and fast.
  • Megdar
    Megdar Posts: 133 Tile Toppler
    You are aware that it is in flavor with Deadpool for the visual to look like trash ?

    Complaining about the look of DDQ background would be like saying South Park visual are ugly, well this is the license goal so...
  • BlackWidower
    BlackWidower Posts: 250 Mover and Shaker
    Quebbster wrote:
    Megdar wrote:
    My wife spotted a letter to the editor in the newspaper complaining that the bills Always came out of the ATM the wrong way. The writer didn't want to have to turn them over to make sure they were oriented the right way in his wallet.
    We archived this as "World's biggest first World problem".

    This actually IS a huge problem if you are obsessive compulsive, which obviously this person is. If you don't have it, you wouldn't understand.

    I could never just shove money in my pocket if it wasn't queen-faced AND in the proper order by denomination. So I have to stand there with my money out at a cash point and flip it all around - all the while I am being eye-balled as a potential robbery victim.

    And seriously though, do they just stand there and throw the money in?

    I do agree, however that this DPD issue is a non-issue.