Shielding should save your highest score on that hop

mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
If you do a few battles during your hop and then suddenly lose hundreds of points, you should be able to shield at the highest amount of points, with a certain caveat:

* It must be within 2 minutes of your last win.

Thus you must be able to win matches in order to score points, and you couldn't just float there, letting all your friends hit you first. The requirement will force people to choose matches they know they can win. I say 2 minutes to take server lag into account. Perhaps 1 minute or 30 seconds would work.

One of my biggest frustrations with shield hopping is that if you only do 1 or 2 matches, then often times you only gain around 80 points, which isn't enough to get to 1200+ without doing many, many many hops. If you shield and no one had attacked you, then you feel bad for not having tried one more match. But if you try one more match and then start losing a bunch of points from defensive hops, then it's frustrating to try to catch up to the points you had already won previously. So it's a lose-lose situation.

I realize plenty of people manage to pull through and hit the point goals they want to. But I feel this would make it more fair and less frustrating.

The main problem I have with PVP is that you don't just need to win matches, but they must be won insanely quickly, and the closer you get to 1200, the greater risk you have for massive defensive point loss, even after one single battle. This would help resolve this issue.


  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,580 Chairperson of the Boards
    Seems a needlessly convoluted system when the obvious solution would be to have progression and placement scores being separate, with the former only going up.

    Obviously this would also require score thresholds to go up for progression rewards but would also tend to mean more people playing pvp who could be targets for those also aiming for placements too.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just having a timer (say, five minutes) where one player can't hit you a 2nd time would help immensely.

    Even better, having a a timer (say, three minutes?) where multiple players can't hit you once you are attacked by one would also help on hops. One of the bigger complaints out there is having hops that cost -200...that's a terrible feeling, that is directed at poor MMR, and could be fixed with something like this.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    I would definitely be happy if there was a solution that involved either the same person can't hit you for 5 minutes, or you can't be hit multiple times at once. That -200 is painful, especially if it comes at the end of a bunch of 30-40 point hops, and there's no way you can even try to battle your way back up to the score you had created from winning your matches.

    That's why I enjoy about other games such as Clash of Clans. You still lose points from defensive losses there, but in general, you're guaranteed around 2-3 or more matches per hop, and you only get one defensive loss at a time, so you never find out that you've suffered massive defensive point loss. I realize it's a different game model, but it's a way for me to lose points but never get overly frustrated. The focus is more on me being rewarded for simply winning matches, instead of this craziness of needing to win extremely tough matches at lightning fast rates and hoping that something such as a particularly slow match or a temporary loss of internet connectivity ruins 10+ hours of planned shield hopping.
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    So weird. I swear I saw this same thread two years ago. And also many times since then. icon_e_wink.gif
  • Megdar
    Megdar Posts: 133 Tile Toppler
    There is another way easier solution, just add people shielded as valid target where you don't loose point. That way when someone unshield he is the one of the rare target in a pool of 1000 persons shielded.

    This create point inflation, like the separation of the two, so you have to adjust, but at least you have way, way, way less chance to loose a flurry of point, but you still have a risk.
  • Crnch73
    Crnch73 Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    I forget what game it was, but I used to play something where a defensive loss also put up a shield for you for free. It wasn't long (maybe 15-30 minutes or so), but it was nice to not come back to massive losses.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    Crnch73 wrote:
    I forget what game it was, but I used to play something where a defensive loss also put up a shield for you for free. It wasn't long (maybe 15-30 minutes or so), but it was nice to not come back to massive losses.

    Clash of Clans gives you a massive shield every time you lose a defensive match. I think a 15-30 minute shield in PVP would be great. That would prevent you from getting massive defensive losses all at once, and it would give you a reasonable chance to catch up on your defensive losses, instead of spinning your wheels trying to get a few more points before shielding and ending up losing defensively, again and again.