What happens if I load a really old save file from facebook?

muffffinman Posts: 16
So here's my story....

About 3 weeks ago the game started freezing every time I would open it. It wouldnt just freeze the game it would freeze my entire phone until I force closed everything. Customer service said to reinstall the game which I did but this wiped out all my data.

The problem is this: the last time I backed up to Facebook was over a year ago. I've gained significant progress since then and also spent a lot of money. For some reason service is telling me that they can't find a link between my gamertag and my proof of purchase so they can't rebuild my account.

I wanted to load the old file from a year ago so I can at least gain access to my account and get inside the game to give them screens hots of my account for proof but I am scared that if I upload that save file from a year ago that it will destroy all my progress after that on their server and they will then tell me we can't find anything after your last save and I'll be stuck.....

Does anyone have an answer? If I load this file and get my proof will they still be able to build everything I lost from that point forward? It should still be logged on their server right? I'm not a tech guy so I don't know these answers. Please help!


  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    I would recommend you work with Customer Support, I don't want to guess whether a save file that old will still work.

    They should be able to help you restore from a more recent state on their servers.
