Opinions wanted: next planeswalkers in my roster

Sorin81 Posts: 559 Critical Contributor
edited February 2017 in MtGPQ General Discussion
Here is my situation. I only have a handful of planeswalkers and am looking to get at least three more. Playing the angels embrace event showed me I have a definite deficit. Two red nodes and only one red pw.

So currently I have one planeswalker in red, green and blue. Chandra 1 in red, Nissa 1 in green and Jace 2 in blue.

So what do you think? Who should I get next in each color and why?


  • hawkyh1
    hawkyh1 Posts: 780 Critical Contributor
    dual planeswalkers are more flexible for events.

  • Ultimadan
    Ultimadan Posts: 23 Just Dropped In
    In general you won't particularly need more than one PW per colour, Angels Embrace as so far been the only event requiring multiple PWs of a single colour. Nodes of Power has always been one of each colour and the other events usually are 3 nodes each with a different colour.

    Dual PWs are more flexible in terms of usability for nodes but also cost more crystals. That being said they're often worth it, having access to 2 colours for deckbuilding is a big advantage.

    As for which PWs to aim for? Ultimately this will depend on what's currently being offered in the vault and the cards you have available as having certain cards can pull you towards particular PWs. I'll try and list a few good all around PWs though.

    Red: Koth is a great choice for red, hes slightly limited by being only red and having only red mana gains but having +9 to red matches makes him very fast if he gets going. Great choice for quick battle too.

    Nahiri is also a very solid pick here and also has access to white, making her a bit more flexible than Koth is. Like Koth she's also very solid for quick battle and her first and third abilities are very useful.

    Blue: You already have Jace2 who is a solid pick here. The other blue PW I'd recommend to look out for is Kiora, who is also green. IMO she's one of the best PWs in the game and all 3 of her abilities are useful and aren't dependant on having particular cards like some other PWs are. You can't really go wrong with Kiora, she's a solid good all around pick.

    Green: Again, Kiora is a great pick here. Between Kiora and Nissa1 you shouldn't particularly need any other green PWs strictly for access to green nodes. Arlinn may be worth a look if you happen to get any decent werewolves though.

    White: Nahiri is a good pick here, as is Sorin. Sorin has access to black as well and can also work reasonably well even without access to those higher rarity cards. Cards like Lone Rider, Grip of Desolation and Serene Steward all work well in a Sorin deck and are only uncommon. Sorin does have the lowest HP in the game though, but has plenty of ways to regain life so generally your effective health ends up being slightly higher than this. Very useful for objectives where you need to manipulate your health.

    Black: Aside from Sorin, the other PW I'll mention is Ob Nixilis. While Ob Nixilis is only mono black, he's a very effective PW. There's a bunch of different ways you can build an Ob deck, a lot of people go creatureless and rely on the ultimate ability but the other two abilities are very solid too, card draw and creature removal are never bad things to have access to.

    Though maybe not as strong as some of the other options, Jace1, Gideon1 and Liliana1 are all decent picks if you're just looking to fill out colours being that they only cost 50 crystals each (though it used to be only 10, was the price increase really necessary?).

    In general, try to aim to have at least 1 PW in each colour first, then expand from there.
  • buscemi
    buscemi Posts: 673 Critical Contributor
    Kinda sucks that the original 5 planeswalkers in the game don't all cost 10 crystals any more. *Especially* as they're supposed to all be lower powered than all the other planeswalkers in the game.
  • majincob
    majincob Posts: 732 Critical Contributor
    For my alt I'm running manawhite.png Nahiri or Gideon1, manablue.png Jace2, manablack.png Ob or Lilliana2, manared.png Nahiri or Koth, managreen.png Kiora

    They all are decent at lower levels and have strong abilities.
  • Feyda
    Feyda Posts: 105
    Good advice from Ultimadan here. I would throw a shoutout to Saheeli if they ever actually release her. In sheer terms of fun she is right at the top of my list. Her abilities may not be the most wow ever unless you have the Boomship (I have it.... its awesome... nuff said) but her mana gain is CRAZY compared to any other PW. Blue and red are also a great combo, gives you access to several cheap kill and bounce spells like Imprison, Inner Struggle, Anchor to Ether and more.

    Like he said before, dual colors typically give you more bang for your buck, but they also require double the crystals to level to 60, if you don't have a large stockpile, be prepared to grind a lot of QB before that dual color really gets effective.

    My top 3 PWs

    1.) Kiora - Fantastic abilities, good color combo, low base mana gains BUT has access to green ramp which makes up for that
    2.) Nahiri - Powerful red creatures, access to Deploy the Gatewatch, access to white creatures with lots of life gain (great for harder boss fights in PVE)
    3.) Saheeli - Best mana gain in game, powerful red creatures combo with cheap blue bounce and removal, VERY strong ultimate if you have Boomship (otherwise abilities are meh)
  • Sorin81
    Sorin81 Posts: 559 Critical Contributor
    Thanks for the input. I already have at least one in each color and Sorin. I'm actually really fond of Lilliana 1. I was leaning towards Sarkahn just not sure if I have the cards to build a decent deck for him. Kiora seems like the best choice as far as green goes.
  • madwren
    madwren Posts: 2,260 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sorin81 wrote:
    Thanks for the input. I already have at least one in each color and Sorin. I'm actually really fond of Lilliana 1. I was leaning towards Sarkahn just not sure if I have the cards to build a decent deck for him. Kiora seems like the best choice as far as green goes.

    The problem with Sarkhan is that despite his excellent color combination, and card choices, his mana gains have fallen behind the times a bit. They're consistent across the board, but when others are getting 7-8 for primary and secondary matches, and he's getting 5, over the long haul it becomes more difficult to keep up.

    If you had to get another black planeswalker, I'd highly recommend L2--who sort of obsoletes L1 and has not only better mana gains, but a mana-providing first ability--or Ob, who can be run creatureless and trivialize a number of event objectives. Ob is my favorite planeswalker by far. However, since you have Sorin and L1, I suggest diversifying elsewhere. In particular, white's "good at everything" nature makes it a strong choice for filling multiple nodes. Ajani or Nahiri are excellent choices.
  • Sorin81
    Sorin81 Posts: 559 Critical Contributor
    I do currently have both Lilliana planeswalkers and Sorin and Gideon 2 so my black and white are both pretty well covered. Even with L2 I am partial to the original. I run her with a zombie deck mostly and her cheap loyalty usually guarantees that they keep coming back.

    Ob has always intimidated me with his abilities coming at the cost of his own life however I did see someone use Orbs of Warding to counteract that a bit which I thought was pretty clever (if I had Orbs I might run that).

    From what I've read so far I think I'll be getting Nahiri to fill my void in red and maybe Kiora for both green and blue.
  • Feyda
    Feyda Posts: 105
    At 60 the life cost is trivial, only 1 hp for ability one and 3 for ability 2 on ob nix.