1.10.1 Release Notes (2/14/17)

Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
edited February 2017 in MtGPQ News & Announcements
Hey Everyone,

Happy Valentine's Day! Here are the Release Notes for the 1.10.1 patch!


New feature: Battle Log!
We’re introducing a brand new feature to the game: the Battle Log.

Accessible both from the Pause menu and as a button after a fight, you’ll be easily able to review the fight, turn by turn.


Every action, trigger and event is visible in the Battle Log, such as:
    - Turn numbers - Card(s) drawn - Cards cast - Abilities triggered on cards - Mana gain - Combat damage - Planeswalker ability usage - Extra Swap gains - Etc.
Card names are also fully clickable while in the Battle Log, so if you’re unsure as to what exactly was triggered/drawn/cast, you can always click on the card name to see the card in full view.

Special Offers

In celebration of Valentine's Day, we've also added a new Red Card Set option in the Vault!

Bug Fixes
    Cards, Planeswalkers & Gameplay
    - The focus fails to be on the touch when viewing Touch of the Void in list view.

    UI, UX, Localization & Graphics
    - Multiple issues occur when the Planeswalker and creatures are dealt damage in the same action.
    - A placeholder red X displays when viewing the Fate is Rarely Fair Event description text.
    - The Evergreen icons fail to display when viewing a creature on the battlefield that has gained an Evergreen ability from any source.
    - Placeholder text displays when viewing the title of the Revolt against the Consulate Event.
    - A placeholder red X displays when viewing multiple Event description text.
    - The Evergreen description fails to display when tapping on an Evergreen for a creature on the battlefield.
    - The End of Turn details fail to display when viewing the End of Turn section.
    - The Enraged damage fails to display when viewing the damage done by a creature.
    - The text displays "TheAETHER REVOLT card set" when viewing the Aether Revolt Notification.
    - Evergreens fail to be displayed on the Dealing Damage action when a creature with an Evergreen Deals damage.
    - All Card description text boxes fail to display when viewing Cards in list view.
    - The text is illegible when viewing the Title text.
    - Placeholder text displays when viewing multiple events.
    - The artwork for Gonti's Aether Heart erroneously displays when viewing the Heart of Kiran Special Offer.
    - The text displays in English when viewing the Share with us your favorite deck for Nissa, Vital Force widget.
    - The artwork is missing when viewing multiple areas.
    - A placeholder red X displays when viewing the Werewolf of Ancient Hunger card description.
    - The text displays in English when viewing the "Happy Holidays!" message.

    System & Connectivity
    - An "Invalid Referral Code" Error displays when entering a Referral code generated by a fresh account.