Shield intercept issues

themoneymaker Posts: 103 Tile Toppler
Over the past couple of days I have noticed a lot of issues regarding the ad watching. First and foremost, after an ad I am not receiving any rewards, no Iso, no tokens and no hp. This has been occurring for the past day and a half. It may be noteworthy to for me to include that for a day prior to this I got no shield intercepts at all even after getting as many different rewards as I could and after enough time had passed. I didn't mind not having the intercepts there but when you sit through an ad for no reward (it may sound small) it is very annoying.

Anyone got a fix or facing the same problem?


  • tanis3303
    tanis3303 Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    If the ad actually plays, I always get the reward, my issue is that roughly 50% of the time when I hit the button to play the ad, it just bumps me back to the mission select screen; no ad, no reward...probably fine, some of those games the ads are plugging look more fun than fighting lvl 9,000,000 dark avengers for the 2,000,000,000th time anyway! icon_lol.gif
  • Ralph-Wiggum
    Ralph-Wiggum Posts: 175 Tile Toppler
    I haven't had that problem but mainly because I think I've had only one Shield Intercept in the last two weeks (on iOS).
  • mjs0726
    mjs0726 Posts: 17 Just Dropped In
    I haven't gotten ANY intercepts since the last (maybe 2) updates. No option to view the ad, nothing. I submitted a ticket about this...hoping it's just a bug...and that it gets fixed soon. icon_e_sad.gif
  • Killians8
    Killians8 Posts: 134 Tile Toppler
    tanis3303 wrote:
    If the ad actually plays, I always get the reward, my issue is that roughly 50% of the time when I hit the button to play the ad, it just bumps me back to the mission select screen; no ad, no reward.

    I have been having this problem a lot in the past week. Pretty frustrating as I have enjoyed getting those chunks of HP and tokens to make roster progress.
  • Cousin Simpson
    Cousin Simpson Posts: 1,086 Chairperson of the Boards
    I can click to view ads, but when I do, the entire app crashes, and when I restart MPQ, I don't get the rewards.

    I think, however, that this problem might be with whatever ad service MPQ uses, since another game that I play (Star Trek: Timelines) has ads which crash when I try to view them.

    I'm on a Samsung Galaxy Tab A, btw.
  • SlappyDingle
    SlappyDingle Posts: 60 Match Maker
    I haven't had an intercept in almost a month on iOS!
  • VizMantis
    VizMantis Posts: 280 Mover and Shaker
    tanis3303 wrote:
    If the ad actually plays, I always get the reward, my issue is that roughly 50% of the time when I hit the button to play the ad, it just bumps me back to the mission select screen; no ad, no reward.

    Same for me, only I'd say it's broken far more than 50% of the time. I contacted CS about a month ago and they said they were already aware of the problem and on top of it. Since then, I've seen plenty of complaints along those lines here, but no fix seems forthcoming.

    In the meantime, lots of resources lost, after Intercepts worked just long enough for me to get used to them. I guess I should count myself lucky that I'm not on steam and I get a couple intercept rewards a day.
  • mega ghost
    mega ghost Posts: 1,156 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm a VIP player on iOS and as of today the intercepts are making me actually watch the ads anyway (versus just being able to claim the reward.) About 50% of the time they fail and do nothing, resulting in no reward.
  • I can click to view ads, but when I do, the entire app crashes, and when I restart MPQ, I don't get the rewards.

    I think, however, that this problem might be with whatever ad service MPQ uses, since another game that I play (Star Trek: Timelines) has ads which crash when I try to view them.

    I'm on a Samsung Galaxy Tab A, btw.

    I was having this same problem with another Android phone. On a hunch, I disabled the "Developer Options" setting on the phone and I'm now able to watch the ads and receive the rewards.