Two suggestions for a smoother 3* to 4* transition

SpecSpecter Posts: 182 Tile Toppler
I imagine I won't be the first to suggest ether of these but recently after bringing them up in my alliance I've given them a bit more thought and the more I think about them the more I think they should be implemented. Actually less that they should be implemented as much as they really should have been this way already and it's actually rather frustrating that they aren't.

1): Heroic token should guarantee at least a 3*
This one might come off as a bit much, but hear me out. For a while now we've have Elite tokens in the game which function basically as Heroic tokens minus the possibility of getting a 4*. Thing is given how unlikely getting a 4* out of a Heroic token actually is this difference is basically moot. However eliminating 2*s from Heroics and making them only give out 3*s and above would suddenly really make getting one a big deal all of a sudden. I mean the things already are colored fricken gold, you might as well make them worth that. Not only would this cut down on the annoyance of working up to getting that Heroic token only to just get another 2* out of it but it would also help a bunch in tiring to get 4*s. Granted it's not like I expect this sort of change to exist with how the rewards are set up now and that I'm sure for example that it would mean things like placing Heroics on a higher reward placement but really shouldn't that this point there be some sort of general token that lets to skip the slog of the 2*s? Only part of this I haven't really thought too far into is how it would affect things like the 10 packs and such, no doubt there would be a significant change there too (make them Elite 10 packs? Something else altogether?).
As a side-note a bit of an exception to the Heroic tokens are ones attached to a vault, but given how those function in a way altogether different calling them Heroic tokens is almost a bit of a misnomer and really should just be their own thing altogether. A minor change but one that I one that still kind of bugs me.

2). Championed 3*s should give out double the amount of 4* covers
Between the two of these this is probably the one I would most like to see, the fact that Championed 3*s only give out one of each of the three 4* covers of the character they are attached to is just ridiculous. Lets put it this way; Championed 2*s also only give out three covers of the character they are attached to, but Championed 2* max out after only 50 levels where Championed 3*s max out after 100. The result of this is that the three 4* covers they give out (arguably the biggest prize from the Champion progress rewards) are ludicrously spaced out. Speaking as a player who has all but one 3* Championed (sorrynotsorry Ragnarok) once a character hits level 183 I almost always immediately loose all interest in further leveling that character. Don't get me wrong, I'll still take them if they come my way but there basically is not longer any drive to seek covers of that character out given that it would take another 40 covers to get another 4*. With that, minus the Iso cost, it's almost more worthwhile to start from scratch on that character and end up with double the reward. Going back to comparing Championed 2*s to Championed 3*s, given that they both give out the equivalent of the same reward (three covers of the next rank up) but it takes 3*s twice as much to get to that reward to me it seems obvious that the reward payout should be doubled as well.

In any case I really don't think ether of these things would be at all game-breaking. What are people's thoughts?


  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    I noted a while back that there is quite a huge gap in the 3* champion rewards between level 183 and level 223. Those two Heroic tokens at 195 and 211 are hardly exciting. On the other hand, once you do get to level 223 the rewards start getting really sweet - in the remaining 47 levels there's four Legendary tokens! So I definitely Think it's a better investment to use those 30 covers on your existing champion rather than starting a duplicate.
    I do agree that more covers would be nice, but if you take the Legendary tokens into account it is actually a fairly nice spread. Two-star champions give Three set covers only (I don't really Count the Heroic tokens as that more often than not is just Another champ level for a two-star), Three-star champions give Three set covers and five Legendary tokens for a total of eight four-star (or better) covers, and fourstars give ten legendary tokens.
  • SpecSpecter
    SpecSpecter Posts: 182 Tile Toppler
    Quebbster wrote:
    Three-star champions give Three set covers and five Legendary tokens for a total of eight four-star (or better) covers
    Even so I still think I would like it better if three of those tokens were actual covers (even with the off chance of getting a 5*, considering as I mentioned it's really the 3* to 4* transition I have my mind on). It just feels like by the time you max out a 3* you should be well on your way to building up your 4* roster and having 6 covers in any one character would be a very solid start for that, more in any case then 3 known covers and 5 who-knows-what covers. Given the sheer number of 4* (and growing) in addition to the rarity of 4*s they can be among the trickier covers to try to get what you want out of which really doesn't help the transition any. Asking for more known covers out of the 3* Champion progression seems like a reliable way of smoothing out the way forward, and given if they do it by just replacing some of the Legendary tokens already in the progression all the simpler as it's not as if they would even really be given the players anything extra by doing so.
  • Megdar
    Megdar Posts: 133 Tile Toppler
    Please no, no, no, no... don't add more 4* cover to the game, add iso. I sell nearly all the cover I get. You get 1 cover free in PVE progression, more then enough CP between 575 pvp and pve progression to buy nearly 1 CT a day and eventually you also get the LT from DDQ each 5 days. I joinned back in the game in september. I had all 3* at level 120, and nearly no 4*. I had left the game before the JG 4* release and most of my 4* had 2 cover (So I was away 8 months). And now 5.5 month later all my 3* are champ and I have 18 4* at 13 covers and most of the other at 8 cover or more. Of my 18 at 13 covers only 7 are at max level. We don't need more cover, we need more iso to lvl them. What's the point of giving me cover that I can't even use. Most of the time it is from hero at 13 covers or covered 255. I want iso, and if I have the iso to level a 4* but he is at 255, I'll put CP in it. I don't even use my CP anymore in fear of opening 1000 iso.
  • SpecSpecter
    SpecSpecter Posts: 182 Tile Toppler
    You do realize that every unwanted 4* cover is the same as getting 1000 Iso, right? Personally for all people complain about getting Iso I actually never really had a problem, just a few days ago I was in a panic because I had a pressing need to get a hold of 90K some Iso by the end of the week or miss out on some Champion opportunities and wasn't sure if I would get there, but barely three days later and I'm easily halfway there. Iso is there if you need it but getting 4* covers, specific ones no less, remains one of the most annoyingly difficult things to do in the game (after getting 5* covers, but those are at least intended to be a challenge) in a game that basically expects you to have 4*s on hand.

    Never mind the fact that if you read my second post you probably wouldn't be getting any extra 4* covers then you already are getting. You also seem to overlook that these changes are with the 3* to 4* transition in mind (it's not as if I don't keep mentioning it all the time or put it in the title) so sorry if I don't take sympathy in your 'only 7 of my 18 4*'s are maxed out!', you clearly wouldn't be among the people these changes are intended to help the most. Also also by putting more of a focus on getting specific covers then a wide spread of randos more likely you (and by 'you' I mean the 3* to 4* transitioners, so clearly not you specifically) would probably have fewer 4*s over all but more of a likelihood of being able to have 4*s you can use.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    I like it, especially token rework. The current system is a bit wonky. We have

    Standard: guaranteed 1*, occasional 2*
    Elite: guaranteed 2*, occasional 3*
    Heroic: guaranteed 2* occasional 3* and 4*
    Legendary: guaranteed 4*, occasional 5*.

    One of these things is not like the others.
  • Megdar
    Megdar Posts: 133 Tile Toppler
    I'm a 3* to 4* transitioner, I had no Champ 3* 5 month ago, and getting 90k iso is a total joke when you need 390k to champ one 4*

    Yes I find that getting from ZERO 3* champ to ALL my 3* champ and 7 4* champ in 5 month a totaly respectable amount of time and far from a problem. And I get specific cover when I want them, I've dumped 240 cp in two Yellows for Peggy because she's good and I wanted to champ her.

    I have WS at 13 covers and Peggy at 13 cover, two totally new Hero that got out during my time back in the game. Again getting 2 new Hero to 13 cover less then 5 month after there release is totally acceptable to me. I also have Kate Bishop at 13, also a new Hero of the last 5 months. You yourself clearly di not read my post, because you would have seen that I made the transition in 5 month, and I'm far from one that supposedly got it easy or anything, everyone passed by the transition and it is really easy, and before the Carol 4* release I was not even doing better then top 100 each event. Now, I do top 10 each new release to kick start the new 4*, but it is only in the last month.

    I don't know how long you've played or how much time you put in the game, but clearly it is very easy to get 4* when you play the game to top 100 each event.
  • Crnch73
    Crnch73 Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    The big problem is that specific 4* covers become hard to come by. With over 40 different chars, you need to get the right combo of 13 covers for any of them. The odds of getting them randomly through tokens are not in our favor. Then a few are in 3* champion rewards, and one in 4* progression. I don't place in the top 10 in any event ever, and 900 points in PVP is very rare for me. So, getting 4* champions, especially the good 4* chars, is not easy. Sure, I have a lot of 4* covers overall. But they are so spaced out that having 5-6 covers isn't enough for them to be a usable char. So, getting the right covers for this big of a pool is daunting. I have adopted the mentality that I should just spend 120 CP on the 4* characters I want most if they are near fully covered. Red hulk is close, 4pun is close, Teen jean needs 1 more cover... But getting those covers randomly or through progression? that all seems unlikely at this point.

    If they don't make it easier to acquire them (either by token odds or better placement/progression rewards) then it's an uphill battle that gets worse with every new character release. I am hoping SCL9 brings multiple 4* rewards for progression, but who knows anymore.
  • Megdar
    Megdar Posts: 133 Tile Toppler
    Then the problem is not getting more cover, it is getting more reliable cover. And yes putting CP in a 4* IS a good move, this is far far far far cheaper then just buying CT and hopping for the best.

    And like I said, I never place top 10 in any pvp event and I never do 900 in pvp, even with my 7 champ (This is not a lot versus 45 that can be boosted). Still I managed to do it in 5 month, starting from no 3* champ.

    There was 30 4* when I joined back in September, the dilution was there.

    Forget about the 5*, the 4* is still the end game. So yes it take time. And you have to jump on every occasion (Boss Event and good vault at 3600 HP).

    When you'll have them rolling and you start seeing one 13 cover each week, come back and let me know if you have enough iso to level them...
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    Megdar wrote:
    Please no, no, no, no... don't add more 4* cover to the game, add iso.

  • Teskal
    Teskal Posts: 109 Tile Toppler
    Would be cool to have the tokens more look like:

    Standard: 1*, occasional 2*, seldom *3
    Elite: 2*, occasional 3*, seldom 4*
    Heroic: 2*, but same chance to get 3* and seldom 4*
    Legendary: 4*, occasional 5*.
    And maybe a token with a higher 5* chance.

    I think it would be a good idea to increase the number of 4* covers for adding 3* champ levels. Not necessary need to be doubled. Four or Five would be also good.

    There should be no two 3* who give the same *4 cover.
  • SpecSpecter
    SpecSpecter Posts: 182 Tile Toppler
    Megdar wrote:
    Please no, no, no, no... don't add more 4* cover to the game, add iso.

    Porque no los dos?

    Both would be nice but if it came down to having one or the other between getting more 4* covers and getting more just raw Iso-8 I still would definitely take the covers, because as I mentioned covers can easily be converted into Iso but the same can't be said for the other way around and one is clearly harder to get then the other.

    Sure I guess to the people complaining about the dearth of Iso going on in the game 1000 Iso still might not sound like a lot... but what do those people really expect? I wouldn't consider that amount something to look down your nose at as it's not that small of an amount, but even then that's handed out every four levels to a Championed 3*. Can you imagine if that were covers instead? That would be insane! Insane and you would be getting no less Iso out of the deal considering you could freely sell off any covers you don't want or need, but even I would consider that to be a bit much. Sure I guess you can ask to basically be handed 5000 Iso daily for next to nothing... but oh wait, they already do that too.
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    As someone who's been in the 4* transition for longer than I care to mention, I wholeheartedly agree. I just want to be able to play with more characters.