2* characters not selling for correct amounts

I've been experiencing a bug where some of my fully leveled (144) champed 2*s have an incorrect sell price of 17,400 ISO and 100 HP. So far it's happened with Magneto, Ares, and Human Torch. Meanwhile, all my other 2*s show the correct price of 64,000 ISO and 125 HP.

Each time it's happened I've submitted a ticket, and so far they've compensated me for the difference each time, but they must be getting as tired of this as I am. It's to the point where I seriously question whether it's even worth it to cycle 2*s any more.

I know other people are having this problem because I've seen comments to this effect on reddit, but the only thread I could find on it here was this old one from November: viewtopic.php?p=595803

This bug has been going on for apparently 4 months now, any word on if there's a fix on the way?


  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    Happened to me. Here's another big thread with multiple players with the same.

  • Thank you, my search didn't find that one.

    I didn't see anything in there about a fix. Maybe they can't figure it out since it isn't consistent?

    There was speculation in the thread about it having to do with selling the same one a second time. That isn't the case for me, these were all first-time sales.

    I don't see any pattern. It's only some of my 2*s, and I have no way of telling which ones it will be until they hit max.