Scaling Algorithm broken with champed 4*

DoubleHomicide Posts: 25
Prior to championing my first 4*, the enemies in the fourth clear of the final pve node were almost exactly the same level as the average of my top 3 available characters.

Now that I've champ'ed Red Hulk (my first 4* champ), enemies are more than 20 levels higher.

For example, in the Ares node of the hunt: Florida, all enemies are level 302. My top 3 characters are gsbw (boosted to level 288), moon knight (boosted to 273), and rhulk (unboosted level 272).

This is substantially different from my experience when all I had champ'ed was 3*s. I tried submitting a trouble ticket for this but they said it's working as intended and I should use buffs.

For those that have solid 4* rosters, are enemies 20+ levels higher than your average of top 3? For those that are in the same boat as me, can you please provide examples to show that this issue is widespread?
