When do you stop pulling and start buying or hoarding?

bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
edited February 2017 in MPQ General Discussion
Like most people, my plan is to pull Classics and champ my 4*s, but as I do this I inevitably get covers that go to waste. I try to minimize this waste by champing whoever is max covered first and then only pulling Classics when I'm ready to dump ISO into someone else (I'm sitting on 37 x LL and 1050 CP at the moment). I usually pull 7 - 10 Classics at a time: some go to champ levels, some level up powers and some are the 6th color of a character I can't champ yet. This has been working pretty well, but eventually over time I'll get to a point where it's no longer worth it to pull Classics and I would be better off to either buy the needed covers for 120 CP each or simply hoard all CP for a massive Latest Legends pull to max cover 3 x 5*s. I will point out that it's not my plan to champ every single 4* (which is impossible anyway since they release a new one almost every 2 weeks!).

So, here are my questions to you all:

1. Since buying a 4* cover costs the same as pulling 6 Classics, when is it no longer beneficial to pull Classics? When 50% of them go to waste or champ levels? What if 84% (5 out of 6) of them went to waste/champ levels, which means 1 out of 6 actually increased a character's power/max level? That would technically cost the same as buying it for 120 CP. You would get some champ rewards pulling instead of buying, but that one useful cover may go to a character you don't really like; but pulling 6 Classics gives you a 90% chance of getting a 5* cover too. This seems like a tough decision.

2. At what point should I stop champing 4*s and start hoarding for Latest Legends? When I have 20 x 4*s? When I have 50% of them champed? When I have at least 2 boosted 4*s every week? Or do you think it's best to just constantly open Legendary Tokens, get champ levels and slowly build up your 5*s and keep champing 4*s?


  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't do, like, math. I just pile up enough ISO to champ a 4* and then pull classics till I get a 14th cover for someone. Realistically what usually happens instead is that I get a 14th cover during said ISO-piling and end up making a sprint to level them within 14 days, but that's the theory anyway.

    As far as wasted covers, eff it, I gave up stressing about them. Ultimately you're going to waste covers; the sooner you accept that, the more fun the game will be.
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    When I'm bored of letting RNG dictate my roster growth.

    120CP isn't that much in the current economy of the game. I spent it to get the last cover I needed for XFW and the last two I needed for Thoress. Both of them increased my enjoyment levels immensely so I have no regrets.
  • fanghoul
    fanghoul Posts: 311 Mover and Shaker
    When I'm bored of letting RNG dictate my roster growth.

    120CP isn't that much in the current economy of the game. I spent it to get the last cover I needed for XFW and the last two I needed for Thoress. Both of them increased my enjoyment levels immensely so I have no regrets.

    I'm still new to getting 4* champions (I have 2 right now, Peggy and X23, and 1 more when I get the iso-8) but I've also spent the 120 cp for the last cover for both of them. I had another in the queue I couldn't use for each of them, they were both in that painful state where they're 5/2/5, which means that 2/3s of the covers I'd pull for them would continue to be useless, and I really wanted to start using them at a higher level, and be able to screw around with what powers they had maxed.

    I mean that's really the kicker there. I want to have fun with them now, not when I get lucky eventually. I'm willing to trade some covers for characters I like less in exchange for that.

    Plus there's too many horror stories of people with like a 10/2/8 hulkbuster. They haven't saved any CP by refraining to buy that last cover.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    I wish I could hoard. I just can't do it no matter how many 14th or 5+ cover that I get. They're just covers to me, and I rather sell all those potential champ levels for Venom and Mr. F that I don't intend on champing so that I can finish my 4pun or build up my pathetic 5 cover Moon Knight.

    Never spent 120 cp on a 13th cover though. It helps that my earliest 4 champs were some of the best, so I can just wait for Peggy or Starlord to max cover on their own.
  • stowaway
    stowaway Posts: 501 Critical Contributor
    I spent 120 CP to finish Rulk 3-4 weeks ago. He was the biggest blind spot in my roster even before taking a 6 month break from the game (now Peggy is my blind spot, naturally). I had a cover expiring, and I was tired of not having him finished, so I pulled the trigger.

    To me, the biggest worth it/ not worth it indicator is if you're mad at yourself for spending the CP when a bunch of covers come available 3 weeks later (in this case, in the Civil War event). And I wasn't mad at all. I got 3-4 weeks of use out of my fully covered Rulk, and now I have 3 extra champion levels for him. Totally worth it.
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    smkspy wrote:
    Never spent 120 cp on a 13th cover though.

    I'd have to disagree with this under certain circumstances, specifically if you get a character stuck in the dreaded 5/5/x build before reaching 13 covers. If it's a solid character then it could be worth buying a cover to finish them if RNG doesn't see fit to bless you with the right color. I've only done it once, for Nova when he was stuck at 5/2/5 with 3 red/black covers in queue, but I'd do it again for a comparable character.
  • HaywireII
    HaywireII Posts: 568 Critical Contributor
    I wince when you say "5 out of 6 go to waste/champ levels". Waste is bad; champ levels are good. I'm just getting my 3* champs up into the 220ish range now but I notice a huge difference from when I first champed them. I'm sure I'll be happy when my 4* champs have a bunch of extra levels as well.

    I also don't think I'm ever going to spend 120 CP for a 4* cover. At the 15% pull rate for 5*'s that's essentially giving up a 5* cover for a 4* cover. I know the random numbers will mess with us and it won't work out 1 for 1(ish) but I have a decent stable of 4* champs and more seem to show up every day even without opening legendary tokens. I have a few classic legends up in the 5 to 7 cover range now and I figure a few of them are going to become usable eventually. I don't want to slow that progression down even if it would be cool to finish Carol or Medusa faster.
  • DapperChewie
    DapperChewie Posts: 399 Mover and Shaker
    I've spent the 120 for icon_starlord.pngicon_redhulk.png & icon_x23.png, 20 cp on icon_quake.png, I'm saving up for the 13th icon_jeangrey.png and after that I've decided I'm going to drop 600cp on icon_peggycarter.png (or 480 if I can get the last 43 points in this tinykitty pvp. Don't try to talk me out of it, I'm sick of only using her for her blue while she's boosted, and I love the character.) After that, my medusa_icon.png needs 3 more covers, so I'll start squirriling away for her.

    I don't regret any of it. These are Champs I use all the time. My icon_redhulk.png was my 4th champ, icon_quake.png my 6th. CP is easy to come by, and having these Champs makes the game more fun. I have 16 champed 4s at this point, and about a third of the covers I get cannot be used (6th cover for a power) or I don't want to spend the iso to champ someone like Mr. F (before the buff announcement, I sold 4 covers for him that I had gotten in the span of 3 days.) So yeah, maybe I could have had some good luck and gotten some 5s or a few covers I really needed, but I'm happy with the guarantee vs. the gamble.
  • mega ghost
    mega ghost Posts: 1,156 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm not quite at this point yet (I'm about to champ my 12th 4*), but I can say that I have no plans to switch to 5* territory for now. I roster all 5* characters I get and accrue their covers (none are fully covered at this time so I haven't sold any 5* covers to date), but the 5* meta seems pretty terrible. I feel like if I moved to that territory within the next year, even, with things as they are now, my enjoyment of the game would probably drop to the point of quitting.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited February 2017
    Jarvind wrote:
    smkspy wrote:
    Never spent 120 cp on a 13th cover though.

    I'd have to disagree with this under certain circumstances, specifically if you get a character stuck in the dreaded 5/5/x build before reaching 13 covers. If it's a solid character then it could be worth buying a cover to finish them if RNG doesn't see fit to bless you with the right color. I've only done it once, for Nova when he was stuck at 5/2/5 with 3 red/black covers in queue, but I'd do it again for a comparable character.

    Lol, I agree. Just to nitpick but you read.my use of "spent" as "never spend" I was just making a statement that I have never spent 120 cp on a cover before and my statement contained no advice.

    Although, barring maybe Peggy, at 12 champed, 7 max covers, and several 10-12 covered already, a character would have to be pretty meta defining for me to justify 120 cp...at least in my situation.
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    smkspy wrote:
    Jarvind wrote:
    smkspy wrote:
    Never spent 120 cp on a 13th cover though.

    I'd have to disagree with this under certain circumstances, specifically if you get a character stuck in the dreaded 5/5/x build before reaching 13 covers. If it's a solid character then it could be worth buying a cover to finish them if RNG doesn't see fit to bless you with the right color. I've only done it once, for Nova when he was stuck at 5/2/5 with 3 red/black covers in queue, but I'd do it again for a comparable character.

    Lol, I agree. Just to nitpick but you read.my use of "spent" as "never spend" I was just making a statement that I have never spent 120 cp on a cover before and my state contained no advice.

    Although, barring maybe Peggy, at 12 champed, 7 max covers, and several 10-12 covered already, at certain a character would have to be pretty meta defining for me to justify 120 cp...at least in my situation.

    Oops! My bad. I'm so used to seeing people trumpeting NEVAR SPEND CP TO BUY TEH COVARZ that I just assumed it was a typo.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    bbigler wrote:

    2. At what point should I stop champing 4*s and start hoarding for Latest Legends? When I have 20 x 4*s? When I have 50% of them champed? When I have at least 2 boosted 4*s every week? Or do you think it's best to just constantly open Legendary Tokens, get champ levels and slowly build up your 5*s and keep champing 4*s?

    Slowly building 5s is basically the worst strategy at this point. Because of the dilution, slow only gets slower. Hoard those Latest tokens.

    As far as the CP, I would say 2 boosted 4s per week is a good goal. Once you're there, hoard the CP, and gun for the 200-300 pulls of latest so you can insta champ a 5* or three.

    That said, a lot depends on where your playing style lies. If you don't play PvP, then having 5s doesn't really help a ton. If you only play PvP, then rushing to 5* play is somewhat of a necessity. (hooray game design!)
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've started hoarding all my cp and tokens. I figure I'll probably never get the OML Yellow of my dreams, so why waste them on 4*s and potential OML reds, blacks and other 6th covers of heroes with less than 13 total covers.

    End result is that I'm rarely getting new covers or ISO. It's kind of sad. Also, until I start opening LTs again, I won't gain any new 5*s.

    But the good thing is that I don't currently have any characters who desperately need to be championed, or else their covers will go to waste!

    I'll keep it up for a month or two or forever? And see what happens. I've basically halted all my progress... although I'm increasing my potential for later on, maybe. We'll see.
  • nigelregal
    nigelregal Posts: 184 Tile Toppler
    I have also spent 120CP on about 5-6 covers total for 4*

    I do this because I want them champed because they are top tier.

    I am at a point or have been for a while where I have all 4* at 13 covers (except a few new ones) so the odds of getting a duplicate are high now. I only have 10 4* that I need to champion and the odds are pretty good still that I get a dupe from opening a token so I am hoarding. The 4* I have left to champ I don't really care about though.
  • Crnch73
    Crnch73 Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    for me, I spent the 120CP to finish off Iceman and 4thor. I maxed Cho and Antman and cyclops the "natural" way, but only after I had already champed the first two. In my opinion, having a few champed 4* made the game fun again. I had been spinning my wheels (kinda back to spinning them again now) and was sick of getting unusable covers of bad characters. my 21 red ghost riders, my 9 black wasps, and my 11 black Mr. F's all pissed me off. I wanted to at least dabble in the 4* tier, and every 3* is champed so the ability to mine LT's from them was also gone.

    so... I don't usually hoard anything anymore. I spend LT's immediately, because I am impulsive and impatient. I save 120CP, then look to see if I have a top tier character near max covered. Right now, Rulk needs 3 covers but I have two coming soon-ish thanks to 3* thor champ levels and 3* thanos champ levels. When those 2 covers fall, I may just go for it. Teen Jean needs 2 covers, I may just save 240 and max her.

    Normally, I wait until I have 400k+ ISO. I look at my roster and my CP stash. If I have someone near max covered that I want to champ, then I spend every CP on buying LT's until I have 120 left. If I didn't get the cover I wanted, then I spend the 120CP on that person. If I got the cover I wanted, then great! Or if I got a cover for a diff character that I want more, and now they are close to maxed, even better! No matter what, I will walk away with a new 4* champ. Sure, I spent more CP than I should have (according to some), but at least I took away a mini victory from it, rather than let RNG walk all over me.
  • Straycat
    Straycat Posts: 963 Critical Contributor
    I don't know if the odds ever really tip over to make buying a cover better. If its your first 4* champ, you're probably better off pulling 5 extra tokens instead of the last cover. The character will still be useful, and you can likely open tokens without worrying about dupes.
    When you have over half champed, you are likely to get something usable, so I still think 5 classics would be more valuable. And if you have a good number of champs already, another 4* champ wouldn't change much. If they're good characters they can be useful even if you have to use them at a non ideal build.
    I think with pve progression rewards, vaults, and to a lesser degree boss events and pvp progression, there are enough ways to get specific covers that I wouldn't buy them. I would just feel cheated if I spent 120 cp and then a week later that cover is given out in pve.
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    fanghoul wrote:
    Plus there's too many horror stories of people with like a 10/2/8 hulkbuster. They haven't saved any CP by refraining to buy that last cover.

    My hulkbuster has gotten 4/9/3 on covers, so he still isn't champed, but I may spend the 120 CP to champ him since I have 2 of his covers in queue