Kraken Alliances looking for members

MPQBullsaye Posts: 5 Just Dropped In
edited February 2017 in MPQ Alliances
Due to retirement, real life obligations and various other reasons Kraken has lost a few members and is looking to recruit some new players.

Space Kraken is a hybrid/dual alliance with minimum requirements in both pve and pvp.
Pvp score is 575 minimum per event and 1500 for Simulator, for a total season minimum of 7250.
For pve we have a progression minimum, with a 1.25 x progression for new releases.
This is a very low stress alliance with very reasonable requirements.
We tend to be in the top 50 pve and top 100 pve.

Time Kraken is a hybrid/dual alliance with higher minimums for both pve and pvp.
PVP score is a 800 minimum per event and 2000 for Simulator, for a total season minimum of 10,000.
PVE score is a minimum of 1.2 x progression and 1.4+ x progression for new releases.
This is a very competitive alliance that tends to be in the t20 or better in pve and t50 or better in pvp.

Reality Kraken is a PVE only alliance with progression plus minimum requirements.
This alliance tends to be in the top 100 for events.

If you would like to ask questions, talk about the alliance, or would like to apply for a spot you can shoot me a pm here, or contact me on Line. My line id is oddballz, and my ign is Bullsaye.

Thanks for looking, and good luck.