Game locked up on VIP bonus.

Renterski Posts: 3 Just Dropped In
When I log into the game my VIP bonus comes up but the game doesn't respond to anything. Started happening when I logged in to play the civil war event. Coincidence?


  • cpeyton3535
    cpeyton3535 Posts: 256 Mover and Shaker
    I have had the same issue since yesterday afternoon (3 PM MST). Right around the time my VIP Reward would have been available. Just prior to that it was locked up on a pending LR reward that I could not claim. Been locked up ever since. Pretty miffed about it. Was top 5 in my PvE after day 1 but couldn't finish day 2 or start day 3. Logged a ticket yesterday. Still no response from support but I suspect they are swamped.

    I've had to actually exist in the real world for almost 24 hours now. icon_e_wink.gif

    Chin up!
  • Renterski
    Renterski Posts: 3 Just Dropped In
    Wow that sucks! I was looking forward to civil war also.
  • cpeyton3535
    cpeyton3535 Posts: 256 Mover and Shaker
    I was looking forward to CW as well. Still hoping I'll get the chance, but not overly optimistic. I'll post if I get back up in a timely fashion as I assume that will mean others in the same pickle will be up as well. Can't even finish today's DDQ. Arrrrgh!

    On the plus side this has shown me that I have an addiction.
  • cpeyton3535
    cpeyton3535 Posts: 256 Mover and Shaker

    Still nothing to report. No word from support, not able to play. Watching all my PvE and PvP efforts go out the window. Can't even get my morning "DDQ whilst sipping my coffee" fix. icon_cry.gif

    Hope everyone else is having fun playing. I'll just stand here on the sidelines and wait...


    Sort of...

    In my spare time I've written a short paper on gaming addiction, built a chicken coop and started a clay sculpting course.

    Actually the latter one is true. Don't laugh. Well OK, go ahead and laugh.
  • cpeyton3535
    cpeyton3535 Posts: 256 Mover and Shaker
    Is anyone other than Renterski and I experiencing this issue? Nearing the end of my second day of exile and the horror of an MPQless weekend looms before me. No word from support and no responses here on the board have me worried this is going to be a LONG wait.

    Anyone else have a similar experience in the past? Curious to know how long it took to get a resolution.
  • cpeyton3535
    cpeyton3535 Posts: 256 Mover and Shaker
    So got a response finally. A canned one, but I suppose I should be grateful. Basically uninstall, clear device cache, reinstall. Doesn't help identify and address the bug, but whatever. Not my software. I was then warned of the following:

    There is a chance that after you uninstall and reinstall the game your account might experience an overwrite. If this is the case, then we will be sure to help recover your account as quickly as possible.

    I did indeed experience an overwrite (not really surprising) which I outlined in my response 26 minutes later. Still waiting for a response to that. Pretty sure my ticket went right to the bottom of the pile the second I responded. Quick? Anything but. This is a 5 minute fix that will now take minimum 4 calendar days, if not longer, to resolve.

    I have no doubt that the Dev and Support staff are working hard and doing as much as they can. Not singling them out. Just feel very strongly that the support process is severely flawed.

    Anyway, for those of you with a similar issue, hope this helps and possibly speeds things up for you. Maybe perform a FB backup before you uninstall (wasn't an option for me).
  • cpeyton3535
    cpeyton3535 Posts: 256 Mover and Shaker
    So I am 3 hours away from 7 full days without access. Yes, that's one full week that I have been unable to access my account and play. Events have long since ended and I've no idea where I placed (poorly given I couldn't play to strengthen my position). Covers have expired before I could roster them. The list goes on.

    Simply cannot accept this as a reasonable time-frame. Don't care how busy things are. Maybe stop launching buggy code and swamping your CS staff. CS has twice solicited me for information and then taken up to 3 days to act on my response (which was sent within 40 minutes or less). I have no idea if my most recent response, sent Monday, will be acted on any time soon. What I'm struggling with most is I have no way to escalate, no way to formally file a complaint. No recourse but to hurry up and wait. Makes me feel powerless and unappreciated as a paying customer (yes I pay for roster slots and VIP status - call me crazy).

    Maybe the CS team is on Mars and it takes that long for the messages to get back and forth.

    Honestly, I don't even know why I'm writing this other than to vent a little. It won't result in any tangible improvement in my CS experience. Certainly doesn't get me any closer to PLAYING.

    Anyone have any suggestions for me? I'm at a complete loss. Getting ready to write a letter to Marvel outlining my experience with a product they tout on their official site. That's how unhappy I am with this experience.
  • Glad I'm not the only one my screen loads but then freezes the entire game on the home screen and I can't do anything been happening for 3 days
  • cpeyton3535
    cpeyton3535 Posts: 256 Mover and Shaker
    Glad I'm not the only one my screen loads but then freezes the entire game on the home screen and I can't do anything been happening for 3 days

    I feel your pain! Just got back in now. Suspect it is linked to my recent rant and while I'm grateful for that, really, it shouldn't come down to the squeakiest wheel, if you know what I mean. If you do uninstall, clear cache and re-install and experience an account overwrite, following these instructions from CS immediately after might speed things up (it'll be one less back-and-forth with CS):

    1. Proceed through the game until you have created a new Username on your current account. (You can do so by participating in any PvP or PvE event).
    2. Please provide both the New Username currently displayed on your account and the Old Username you wish to be restored.
    3. Please inform us of the last date that you played on your lost account along with the Alliance you had joined.
    4. If there is a purchase history from your lost account, please provide us with a screenshot for any one purchase receipt related to that account. (PNG or JPEG only)

    If you are a Facebook user and back your account up this step probably won't be necessary.

    Let me know how it goes. Hope it takes less time for than it did for me to get back up and running!